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Revista de Teledetección - Núm. 47 (2016)
Tabla de contenidos
Research articles
- Land surface phenology from SPOT VEGETATION time series
- Validation of UV solar radiation data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) with ground based measurements on the Mediterranean coast
- Development of advanced products for the SEOSAT/Ingenio mission
Practical cases
- Time series analysis of precipitation and vegetation to detect food production anomalies in the Horn of Africa. The case of Lower Shabelle (Somalia)
- LAI, FAPAR and FCOVER ground-truth map creation from FASat-C satellite imagery and in-situ measurements in Chimbarongo, Chile, for satellite products validation
- Spectral characterization of Quillaja saponaria (Mol.)
- Qualification and Validation of the performances of the SAR instrument on board PAZ
- Hyperspectral VNIR and photogrammetric data fusion approach for urban luminance map generation
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