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Assessing mutual funds' corporate social responsibility: a multistakeholder-AHP based methodology

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Assessing mutual funds' corporate social responsibility: a multistakeholder-AHP based methodology

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García-Melón, M.; Pérez Gladish, BM.; Gómez-Navarro, T.; Méndez Rodriguez, P. (2016). Assessing mutual funds' corporate social responsibility: a multistakeholder-AHP based methodology. Annals of Operations Research. 244(2):475-503. doi:10.1007/s10479-016-2132-5

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Título: Assessing mutual funds' corporate social responsibility: a multistakeholder-AHP based methodology
Autor: García-Melón, Mónica Pérez Gladish, Blanca María Gómez-Navarro, Tomás Méndez Rodriguez, Paz
Entidad UPV: Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Ingeniería Energética - Institut d'Enginyeria Energètica
Universitat Politècnica de València. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales - Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyers Industrials
Fecha difusión:
There are an increasing number of individual or corporate investors who demand Social Responsibility (SR) to a financial asset. Social responsibility is a multidimensional concept that requires identifying a number of ...[+]
Palabras clave: Socially responsible investment , Corporate social responsibility , AHP , Multistakeholder , Mutual funds
Derechos de uso: Reserva de todos los derechos
Annals of Operations Research. (issn: 0254-5330 ) (eissn: 1572-9338 )
DOI: 10.1007/s10479-016-2132-5
Springer Verlag (Germany)
Versión del editor: http://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-016-2132-5
Tipo: Artículo


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