[EN] This article describes an example of the difficulties involved in the construction of a term-based satellite (or domain-specific) ontology integrated in FunGramKB –a lexico-conceptual knowledge base for the computational ...[+]
[EN] This article describes an example of the difficulties involved in the construction of a term-based satellite (or domain-specific) ontology integrated in FunGramKB –a lexico-conceptual knowledge base for the computational processing of natural language (Periñán-Pascual & Arcas-Túnez 2004, 2007, 2010a; Periñán-Pascual & Mairal-Usón 2009, 2010). The main hypothesis is that the multilevel model of FunGramKB Core Ontology can be connected to terminological satellite ontologies in order to minimize redundancy and maximize information (Periñán-Pascual & Arcas-Túnez 2010b). To this end we follow the four-phase COHERENT methodology (Periñán-Pascual & Mairal-Usón 2011): COnceptualization, HiErarchization, REmodelling and refinemeNT. In doing so, the paper furnishes substantial evidence on the structuring of a set of concepts borrowed from criminal law, an apparently terminological domain (cf. Breuker, Valente & Winkels 2005; Valente 2005; Breuker, Casanovas & Klein 2008). The Globalcrimeterm corpus has been used as an empirical foundation (Felices-Lago & Ureña-Gómez Moreno 2012, 2014). To illustrate this process, we have selected the superordinate basic concept +CRIME_00 (Alameda-Hernández & Felices-Lago 2016) and its basic and terminal subordinate concepts in the domains of organized crime and terrorism (all of them under the metaconcept #ENTITY), particularly those crimes referring predominantly to children or involving children with other vulnerable groups. The creation of specific definitions for the target concepts in this paper uses COREL (a conceptual representation language (Periñán-Pascual & Mairal-Usón 2010)) and the following upper-level conceptual path: #ENTITY> #PHYSICAL> #PROCESS> +OCCURRENCE_00> +CRIME_00. Consequently, the modelling, subsumption and hierarchisation of concepts such as $ABDUCTION_00, $CHILD_ABUSE_00, $CHILD_PORNOGRAPHY_00, $COERCE_D_00, $CHILD_TRAFFICKING_00, $MOLEST_D_00, $FORCED_LABOUR, among others, are presented.
This article is based on research carried out within the framework of the Project FFI2014-53788-C3-1-P, which is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and entitled: Development of a virtual laboratory ...[+]
This article is based on research carried out within the framework of the Project FFI2014-53788-C3-1-P, which is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and entitled: Development of a virtual laboratory for natural language processing from a functional paradigm. It is also based on the previous Project code no. FFI2010-15983: Development of a subontology in a multilingual context (English, Spanish and Italian): Using FunGramKB in the field of international cooperation in criminal matters: Terrorism and organised crime”.