[ES] Históricamente la red de San Rafael situada en el subsector norte del Sector 4 de
Picassent (Valencia), subzona margen izquierda del canal Júcar-Turia, ha presentado
dificultades para llevar a cabo un correcto ...[+]
[ES] Históricamente la red de San Rafael situada en el subsector norte del Sector 4 de
Picassent (Valencia), subzona margen izquierda del canal Júcar-Turia, ha presentado
dificultades para llevar a cabo un correcto riego de las parcelas de cultivo asociadas a dicha red
debido a los grandes desniveles que implican la utilización de bombas de impulsión con el
respectivo consumo energético que esto conlleva. De esta manera, la red presenta zonas
donde se superan o no se alcanzan los valores críticos de presión o velocidad considerados por
los técnicos de la comunidad de regantes, disminuyendo el rendimiento del riego y
provocando roturas de los elementos hidráulicos que constituyen la red.
Para comprobar y analizar la situación actual de la red de San Rafael se ha realizado su
modelo hidráulico con el programa Epanet 2.0 a partir de los datos proporcionados por los
técnicos y los cálculos pertinentes, con el objetivo de llevar a cabo la simulación de este. En
base a los resultados obtenidos se han estudiado las áreas más críticas de la red (San Rafael
Norte y el este de San Rafael sur), planteado diversas propuestas de mejora a los problemas
que presentan y justificando de forma completa cada una ellas mediante los datos obtenidos
de sus simulaciones y las comparaciones respecto a la situación inicial de la red.
Para terminar, también se ha realizado una valoración económica de cada una de las
opciones planteadas, de forma que queden perfectamente descritas y se pueda emplear como
criterio para la elección o el rechazo de las alternativas de mejora en cuanto al aspecto
económico se refiere.
[EN] Historically, the San Rafael network located in the northern subsector of Sector 4 of
Picassent (Valencia), a sub-area on the left bank of the Júcar-Turia canal, has presented
difficulties in carrying out right ...[+]
[EN] Historically, the San Rafael network located in the northern subsector of Sector 4 of
Picassent (Valencia), a sub-area on the left bank of the Júcar-Turia canal, has presented
difficulties in carrying out right irrigation of the cultivated plots associated with the network
due to the large unevenness that imply the use of pumps of impulsion with the respective
energetic consumption that entails. In this way, the network presents areas where the critical
values of pressure or speed considered by the irrigation community technicians are exceeded
or not reached, decreasing irrigation performance and causing ruptures of the hydraulic
elements that make up the network.
In order to check and analyze the current situation of the San Rafael network, its hydraulic
model has been carried out with the Epanet 2.0 program, based on the data provided by the
technicians and the relevant calculations, in order to carry out the simulation of this. Based on
the results obtained, the most critical areas of the network (San Rafael North and the east of
San Rafael South) have been studied, proposing various proposals for improvement to the
problems they present and fully justifying each of them through the data obtained from their
simulations and comparisons regarding the initial situation of the network.
Finally, an economic assessment has also been made of each of the options presented, so
that they are perfectly described and can be used as a criterion for the choice or rejection of
the alternatives for improvement in the economic aspect.
[CAT/VA] Historically, the San Rafael network located in the northern subsector of Sector 4 of
Picassent (Valencia), a sub-area on the left bank of the Júcar-Turia canal, has presented
difficulties in carrying out right ...[+]
[CAT/VA] Historically, the San Rafael network located in the northern subsector of Sector 4 of
Picassent (Valencia), a sub-area on the left bank of the Júcar-Turia canal, has presented
difficulties in carrying out right irrigation of the cultivated plots associated with the network
due to the large unevenness that imply the use of pumps of impulsion with the respective
energetic consumption that entails. In this way, the network presents areas where the critical
values of pressure or speed considered by the irrigation community technicians are exceeded
or not reached, decreasing irrigation performance and causing ruptures of the hydraulic
elements that make up the network.
In order to check and analyze the current situation of the San Rafael network, its hydraulic
model has been carried out with the Epanet 2.0 program, based on the data provided by the
technicians and the relevant calculations, in order to carry out the simulation of this. Based on
the results obtained, the most critical areas of the network (San Rafael North and the east of
San Rafael South) have been studied, proposing various proposals for improvement to the
problems they present and fully justifying each of them through the data obtained from their
simulations and comparisons regarding the initial situation of the network.
Finally, an economic assessment has also been made of each of the options presented, so
that they are perfectly described and can be used as a criterion for the choice or rejection of
the alternatives for improvement in the economic aspect.