Ramírez Solano, Lina Margarita(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013-02-22)
[ES] En la actualidad, el aprovechamiento sostenible, gestión y conservación de los recursos naturales son fundamentales para encarar los retos apuntados en la agenda ambiental global. Dicha agenda es un documento orientador, ...
Romero Hernández, Claudia Patricia(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-01-02)
[ES] Actualmente, el 54% de la población mundial vive en ciudades y se espera que en 2050 este porcentaje aumente al 68% (UNDESA, 2019). Una parte importante de esta población urbana se concentra en megaciudades, definidas ...
Orozco Medina, Ismael; Ramirez, A.I.; Francés, F.(University of Guanajuato, 2019-10-02)
[EN] The calibration of a conceptual rainfall-runoff model is a complicated process that can take a long time and effort. Its success depends on the experience of the modeler and on the knowledge of the basin. For this ...
Tejada Espinoza, Hebert Enrique(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-01-09)
This work called "Flood Regime Characterization Through the Implementation of the Tetis Hydrological Model in the Basin of the Barranco del Carraixet - Valencia". The study aimed to determine the maximum flow of the ...
Natural flow regimes are of primary interest in designing environmental flows and therefore essential for water management and planning. The present study discriminated natural hydrologic variation using two different ...
Montalvo Montenegro, Carlos Israel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-09-04)
[EN] "Rambla" is a Spanish term used for rivers which only present water flow a few days per year. That is the case with most Spanish rivers. These are characterized by an ephemeral water flow in the riverbed. This is ...
Esparza García, Carlos(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-10-04)
[ES] El presente trabajo tiene como objeto estudiar las características hidrológicas e hidráulicas de Barranco de la Bolata ante situaciones de crecida provocadas por episodios de lluvia de carácter torrencial, con la ...
[EN] This study explores the potential application of the HBV model for simulating water inflow into the Astana reservoir in Kazakhstan. The Astana reservoir, with an area of 60.9 km2 and a capacity of 411 million m3, ...
Hydrological classification constitutes the first step of a new holistic framework for developing regional environmental flow criteria: the "Ecological Limits of Hydrologic Alteration (ELOHA)". The aim of this study was ...
[EN] The replacement of flood-irrigation systems by drip-irrigation technology has been widely promoted with the aim of a more sustainable use of freshwater resources in irrigated agriculture. However, evidence for an ...
Valencia Ocampo, Jhony Alejandro(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-10-25)
[ES] En el presente trabajo de fin de máster se propone implementar un modelo hidrológico de tipo distribuido sobre una cuenca de alta montaña llamada San Nicolau, ubicada en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes y Lago de ...
[EN] Non-planned agricultural land abandonment is affecting natural hydrological processes. This is especially relevant in vulnerable arid karstic watersheds, where water resources are scarce but vital for sustaining natural ...
Espín Sánchez, D.; García Lorenzo, R.; Ruiz Álvarez, V.; Conesa García, C.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-10-30)
[EN] The heavy rains on December 17-18, 2016 were one of the most significant events that have occurred in southeastern Spain over the last two decades. In the present study the incidence of these rains in the Region of ...
González Sanchís, María del Carmen; Ruiz Perez, Guiomar; Garcia-Prats, Alberto; Campo García, Antonio Dámaso Del; Francés, F.; Lull, Cristina(Elsevier, 2019)
[EN] Semi-arid forests are water limited environments considered as low-productive. As a result, these forests usually end up unmanaged and abandoned, with the subsequent wild fire risk increasing, water yield decreasing ...
[EN] This paper presents the return-on-investment analysis for implementing conservation projects by the VivoCuenca Corporation. This water found operates for the Chinchiná river basin (Colombia) and supplies the water ...
Segura-Beltrán, Francisca; Sanchis Ibor, Carles; Morales-Hernández, Mario; GONZÁLEZ-SANCHIS, MARÍA DEL CARMEN; Bussi, Gianbattista; Ortiz, E.(Elsevier, 2016-10)
This paper analyzes the Girona River (Spain) flash flood, occurred on the 12th of October 2007, combining hydrological and hydraulic modeling with geomorphologic mapping and post-flood survey information. This research ...