Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración - No 29 (2016)
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Tabla de contenidos
- El horizonte temporal en el proyecto de restauración
- Restauración como imagen de la memoria
- La conservación urbana en Puerto Rico
- El rescate de la iglesia de San José (Puerto Rico): Estudios previos a su restauración
- La consolidación estructural en la restauración. Las bóvedas de Villa Poiana de Palladio
- Villa Saraceno de Palladio. Veinte años tras su restauración
- Ocultos a plena vista: morteros de cal mezclados en caliente
Recent Submissions
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- PublicationOcultos a plena vista: morteros de cal mezclados en caliente(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-12-23) Copsey, Nigel[EN] There has been a revival of interest in and routine use of hot mixed air lime mortars in the UK and Ireland over the last two years, though many involved have been using hot mixed mortars for ten years or more. The ‘Hot Mixed Mortars Revival’ has been the collective effort of Irish, Scots and English masons and conservation professionals and has re-energized the lime movement across the British Isles. This paper seeks to provide a narrative for this, as well as to summarise the essential benefits of hot mixed lime mortars for use in the compatible repair and conservation of old and historic buildings across the world
- PublicationVilla Saraceno de Palladio. Veinte años tras su restauración(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-12-23) Doglioni, Francesco[EN] The restoration - following decades of abandon-ment and vandalism - of Palladio’s Villa Sarace-no is now twenty years old. This article presents a personal reflection by the architect in charge of the restoration on the occasion of a commemo-rative seminar held at the villa. The text, trans-formed into a declaration of principles, compi-les interesting ideas and concepts applicable to restoration, including sprezzatura (as opposed to affectation), tempered restoration to its original state or imperfect restoration. With the passing of the years, the restoration of this building ap-pears to have functioned correctly confirming the original decisions and intuitions of the author to a great extent
- PublicationLa consolidación estructural en la restauración. Las bóvedas de Villa Poiana de Palladio(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-12-23) Doglioni, Francesco[EN] The structural consolidation work on Villa Poiana, a unique work by Palladio designed and built using solely vaults without resorting to lineal structures, has given rise to an extraordinary interpretation of the evolution of the structural decay of the buil-ding over time. It is also a model intervention gi-ven its ability to adapt to this progressive history of lesions and deformation, designing added rein-forcement based on the historic structure and its progressive reinforcements. The analysis of the damage that can be caused by interventions with reinforced concrete on historic structures is equa-lly interesting due, among other reasons, to the great weight added to the structure.
- PublicationEl rescate de la iglesia de San José (Puerto Rico): Estudios previos a su restauración(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-12-23) del Cueto, Beatriz; Pantel, Agammenon G.[EN] The second oldest church in the New World is located in San Juan, Puerto Rico and has rea-ched a critical state of deterioration requiring both structural and conservation interven-tions to assure its permanence. In 2004 it was placed on the World Monuments Fund List of the 100 Most Endangered Sites in the World. A series of condition surveys by architects, structural engineers, archaeologists, and con-servators carried out extensive documenta-tions and analyses of the temple between the years 2000 and 2012. This article synthesizes the studies, conservation measures and re-commendations done during this time period.
- PublicationLa conservación urbana en Puerto Rico(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-12-23) del Cueto, Beatriz; Pantel, Agammenon G.[EN] The use and abuse of historic towns and cities in Puerto Rico is the subject of constant de-bate due to inadequate interventions and the uncontrolled growth of traditional urban fabric and the metropolis in general. The deficiency of General Plans, the limited effect of fragmentary interventions, the unjustified homogenization of historic zones, the governmental misunders-tanding of fundamental heritage issues, and the quality of life necessary for our cities to conti-nue to serve humans, are issues discussed in the text. Specific examples demonstrate des-tructive processes that continue in use despite public outcry