EN BLANCO. Revista de Arquitectura - Vol 06, No 15 (2014)

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Tabla de contenidos

  • Paulo Mendes da Rocha. La técnica y el “arte del construir”
  • Mendes da Rocha. Diagramas de energía y fuerza
  • Muelle de las Artes. Enseada do Suá, Vitória, Espírito Santo. Brasil
  • Nuevo Museo nacional de carruajes. Lisboa. Portugal
  • Plaza de los museos de la Universidad de São Paulo. Brasil
  • Máquinas sin motores o de la inteligencia como motor de las máquinas
  • Capilla Brennand: un lugar, tres muros, un piso, una cubierta y unos detalles
  • Capilla de Nuestra Señora de la Concepción en Vázea, Recife. Brasil
  • Museo de la lengua portuguesa São paulo. Brasil
  • Nueva galeria Leme São Paulo. Brasil
  • Paulo Mendes da Rocha. Conversaciones alrededor de la arquitectura: memoria, deseo y experiencia
  • El valor de la transformación en la relación “Arquitectura y ciudad” La producción del espacio público
  • Las escuelas de Paulo Mendes da Rocha
  • Estrategias proyectuales de Paulo Mendes da Rocha. El anexo del Mube
  • Conversación con Paulo Mendes da Rocha


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 15
  • Publication
    Estrategias proyectuales de Paulo Mendes da Rocha. El anexo del Mube
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-09-06) Cunha Perrone, Rafael Antonio
    [EN] The article discusses the proposed annex of MuBE, interpreting some design strategies used by architect Paulo Mendes da Rocha. Elaborate reflections about continuities, developments and intentions contained in the project.
  • Publication
    Conversación con Paulo Mendes da Rocha
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-09-06) Mas, Vicente; Villac, Isabel; García-Gasco, Sergio; Oliver, Isabel; Varella, Pedro; Calafate, Caio
    Resumen no disponible
  • Publication
    Las escuelas de Paulo Mendes da Rocha
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-09-06) Ferrer Forés, Jaime J.
    [EN] This article analyses the school buildings designed by Paulo Mendes da Rocha (Vitória, 1928). It goes through both the educational buildings and the essential foundations of his consistent career, which gathers the structural exploit, the spatial continuity of modernity and the sculptural use of concrete. This chronological journey through nine school buildings from 1960’s and 70’s –his first golden period- shows the permanent features of the work of Mendes da Rocha and particularly his approach to this architectural subject.
  • Publication
    El valor de la transformación en la relación “Arquitectura y ciudad” La producción del espacio público
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-09-06) Becker, Margret
    [EN] Spatial openness is a major characteristic of the buildings of Paulo Mendes da Rocha. But this is not merely a spatial-aesthetical decision; it reflects also a socio-political vision. This attitude refers to all scales of the city. Especially important for the urban development of São Paulo are projects in which openness and general access to infrastructure is understood as the primary requirement for publicness. Mendes da Rocha demonstrates with his projects how current challenges in city planning and architecture can again be strongly connected through architectural design.
  • Publication
    Paulo Mendes da Rocha. Conversaciones alrededor de la arquitectura: memoria, deseo y experiencia
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-09-06) Azulay Tapiero, Marilda; Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectónicos; Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura; Grupo de Investigación en Arte y Arquitectura Contemporánea
    [EN] Paulo Mendes da Rocha defined architecture as ”the moment, the convenience, the urges, the desires, the needs, the technique, solving problems” and reflected that the future is always a rebuilding of the past. “Architecture, based on human desires, should be convenient”, he says.This article is about his architecture, work where memory, desire and experience meet for the future. In fact, the Gymnasium for the Paulista Athletic Club (1958) advances some of the main features of the architecture built in São Paulo during the following decades.