II Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Artes Visuales. |< real | virtual >| ANIAV2015

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El II Congreso de Investigación en Artes visuales organizado por ANIAV, tiene como objetivo crear un foro que permita facilitar la visibilidad de la producción de los investigadores en arte a nivel nacional e internacional y el conocimiento mutuo. El eje temático propuesto en esta ocasión debe ser lo suficiente abierto e inclusivo para abarcar en lo posible las distintas manifestaciones y modos de la investigación artística al tiempo que se aproxime a las preocupaciones actuales de las investigación artística.

La relación entre lo real y lo virtual ha sido esencial en el desarrollo de las manifestaciones artísticas. Las transformaciones producidas por la inclusión de las tecnologías a lo largo del tiempo producen un continuo campo de interacción y experimentación para la investigación artística que nos obligan a reexaminar buena parte de nuestras prácticas y conceptos.


Recent Submissions

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  • Publication
    Sobre otras fallas posibles (entre otras utopías)
    (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-11-26) Chornet Roig, Jaime; Gómez Haro, Leonardo; Departamento de Escultura; Facultad de Bellas Artes; Grupo de Laboratorio de Creaciones Intermedia. LCI; Laboratorio de Creación Artística y Pensamiento
    [EN] Other kind of Fallas are possible. This idea encouraged us to accept the proposal made from Comissió de la Falla Avd. Tarongers-Universitat Politècnica-Camí de Vera to Department of Sculpture, which was to create their children’s Falla 2013. That assignment was assumed, from our teaching and researching field, as an opportunity to think about a fact that was absolutely unattended by Fine Arts studies, but however, so close to sculpture in public space, we think. This relationship is not only close in those matters concerning to technical solutions for big sculptures but also in those facts involving folk festivals, community, relationships and the kind of symbols and images we use as soon as we can to criticise power.
  • Publication
    Investigación interdisciplinar experimental de arte contemporáneo y matemáticas
    (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-11-26) Pérez García, Elías Miguel; Peris Manguillot, Alfredo; Departamento de Escultura; Departamento de Matemática Aplicada; Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura; Facultad de Bellas Artes; Instituto Universitario de Matemática Pura y Aplicada; Grupo de Laboratorio de Creaciones Intermedia. LCI; Universitat Politècnica de València
    [EN] The communication shows the methodology and results of the research project funded within the call for new lines of multidisciplinary research of “Programa de Apoyo a la investigación y desarrollo de la U.P.V. (PAIDH05H12), Reference: AP20120570. Principal investigator: Elías M. Pérez García Throughout the entire history of art, science and technology have formed part of the same innovative force and wealth of their interaction has contributed to integral human progress. The importance of mathematics in artistic creation can be traced from the origin of art itself. At present there is a wide field of research in art and mathematics, both sculpture by mathematicians, such as plastic work with mathematical references made by artists. Despite its high interest, often lack mathematical sculpture aesthetic innovation enough to be referred to in the art circuits, while the plastic work done by artists, is usually confined to certain types and sometimes lacks rigorous mathematical basis. The overall objective of the project is to explore the vast and fertile territory between art and mathematics. It is not so much to make specific and recognizable art and math projects, such as using as uninhibited interaction interdisciplinary laboratory of ideas, brainstorming topics, theories and terminologies, respecting the interests of the different practices and poetics of the participants. In any case, in this project, we plan to overcome this dual role as a recognizable artistic practice as a scientific techno or sculpture that formalizes mathematical problems or formulas. Committed to an inclusive formula of interaction with a group of artists with common paths or interests and a group of mathematicians working in engineering or architecture. The results are shown in an exhibition to be held in July in the exhibition hall of the School of Architecture of the UPV, a publication will also be held. The list of participants in the exhibition and the publication, with individual or group proposals is as follows: The field of Fine Arts: Vicente Barón; Juan A. Cerezuela; Jaume Chornet; Iker Fidalgo; Rocío Garriga; Irene Grau; Leonardo Gómez; Luis Lisbona; Estela L. de Frutos; Francisco Martí; José Juan Martínez ; Miguel Molina; Joaquin Ortega; Javier Palacios; Elías Pérez; Rosana Rufete Encarna Sáez; Carlos Miguel Sánchez; Chiara Sgaramella; Aris Spentsas; Aixa Takkal; Álvaro Terrones; Daniel Tomás; Elia Torrecilla; Sergio Velasco; Sara Vilar. The field of mathematics: Xavier Barrachina; María García Monera; Mari Carmen Gómez Marina Murillo Alfred Peris; Yunied Puig de Dios Francisco Rodenas; Macarena Trujillo. Professional field: Nathalie Gagnon; Cristina Guetty; Yves Leduc; Emanuele Mazza; Sebastià Miralles; Mujeres y Punto; Marco Rainieri.
  • Publication
    ACEROGRAFÍA: la plancha acero laminado en frío como soporte alternativo en los procesos de impresión litográficos y en procedimientos mixtos de estampación planográfica, en hueco y relieve
    (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-11-26) Guillén Ramón, José Manuel; Del Saz Barragán, Miriam; Departamento de Dibujo; Facultad de Bellas Artes; Centro de Investigación Arte y Entorno
    [EN] The cold rolled steel plate is offered as alternative support in lithographic procedures, intaglio and relief, for its qualities and its expressive possibilities. The term “Steelgraphy, is a new term that we call this new procedure. Etymologically derived from the words "steel” and "graphein". In the field of printmaking, artists and researchers have continually sought new opportunities to enrich the graphic language and facilitate imaging. Currently we can see the profound changes in the graphic work, both in terms of technical and conceptual and expressive factors. In 2000, in collaboration with Daniel Manzano, professor of the National School of Plastic Arts of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México began this research. Currently in Valencia, continue researching new resources and new media capable of being used in lithographic processes and we have realized the advantages of the use of steel sheet cold rolled in lithographic processes, as well as the possibility of interaction with other systems engraving and intaglio printing and embossing. The use of this support has several advantages, which we describe below: are commercially easily and are inexpensive, they are easy to handle, its particular structure facilitates surface graining required for use in lithographic processes, these plates allow to be stamped lithographic presses, in the printing press and other presses. Is feasible to integrate planográficos printing processes, intaglio and embossed using the same support. This research has required a important work in documentation. Through an exhaustive fieldwork, analyzing the behavior of this material. They have conducted several workshops applying this process in Spain, Portugal and Poland.
  • Publication
    Las rectas paralelas se besan en el infinito: Amor y humor por las Matemáticas en el Arte de la Vanguardia Histórica Española
    (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-11-26) Molina Alarcón, Miguel; Departamento de Escultura; Facultad de Bellas Artes; Grupo de Laboratorio de Creaciones Intermedia. LCI
    [EN] Although the relationship between Arts and Mathematics has occurred throughout history reciprocal, however since the nineteenth century and preferably in the period of historical avantgardes of the early twentieth century, was created at the same time, an approach as a rejection between the two disciplines, which would be reflected through different polarities: Art Science, figuration-abstraction, Intuition-determinism, Visible-Invisible, Virtual-Real, Emotion-Reason, etc. All this manifested itself in the vanguard in a very clear way of artists who served based on mathematical principles or geometry works, which were on the other side rejected by a large part of the society of his time, which ironically through Art mood that relationship based AvantGGarde with abstract or non-figurative elements from mathematics. With this communication is to collect in the Spanish context of the first avantgardes of the twentieth century, how some Spanish artists of different (poetry, painting, sculpture or music) fields to mathematics came in its creation differently, so attraction or irony. In parallel, examples from the field of the reception in the press of the time, which was served with humor association of the avantgarde art to mathematics is also exhibited. Among the Spanish authors contributions of poetry (Unamuno, the ultraism movement and Ramon Gomez de la Serna), and visual arts (Maruja Mallo, Angel Ferrant and Luis Fernandez, considered the latter first Spanish abstract). All this will serve as a basis for this antagonistic and related debate that has generated the relationship between Art and Mathematics.
  • Publication
    Grafitos, pancartas, pasquines y otros relatos iconoclastas
    (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-11-26) Martínez Ballester, José Juan; Departamento de Escultura; Facultad de Bellas Artes; Grupo de Laboratorio de Creaciones Intermedia. LCI
    [EN] The second meaning of the ‘grafito’ entry in the dictionary of the RAE says: "Writing or drawing made by hand in the ancient monuments." This reveals a fact that just seen, turns out to be classic, namely the entrenched interests of the human being to intervene where others try to impose their criteria: aesthetic, political, territorial, etc. If from positions of power, statuary part of viewing and taxation, there has always been another consistent work in appropriating, minorizarlo, and even ridicule from the more pedestrian and accessible places of ordinary people, either those mentioned graffiti, literaturizados the leaflets, or even in more contemporary times, the artistic interventions on the monuments themselves. In contrast to target perpetuity exists in art history long stream of iconoclasm which, without actually destroying public imagery established in power with the intention of perpetuating, develops a lighter, virtual level and intentionally perishable with the intention of, at least, put into question. From the case of Roman Statue Parlanti, which gave rise to the word tabloid (the most famous of them the name: the Pasquino), will make a short journey to reach some cases more recent and known test, as the stone Unemployed Workers lunch box or projections Krysztof Wodiczko and other maybe not related in any case all of them with recent movements and demonstrations.