Seventh International Conference on Higher Education Advances

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Information and communication technologies together with new teaching paradigms are reshaping the learning environment. The International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd) is a consolidated forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, experiences, opinions and research results relating to the preparation of students and the organization of educational systems.


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  • Publication
    Engaging Physics Tutoring: A didactical toolbox for teaching assistants (TAs)
    (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-07-26) Bondar, Vira; Nuber, Jonas; Zeyen, Manuel; Schiltz, Guillaume; Dissertori, Günther
    [EN] In this paper we present a project dedicated to the development of a didactical toolbox of material for teaching assistants (TAs) supervising exercise classes for non-physics majors at ETH Zurich. With our materials we were able to support TAs in preparing high-quality exercise sessions for their class which go beyond direct instruction and activate students intellectually and emotionally. The materials are developed for 13 exercise sessions and are presented in the form of an eBook. The materials were immediately used by several TAs in dedicated focus groups. The positive feedback of students and TAs suggests that our material helped to activate and engage the students, enhancing their learning - even in the challenging setting of online teaching.
  • Publication
    Applying Physical Education Methods to Skills Teaching of Law Students
    (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-07-26) Sluijs, Jasper; Gilissen, Herman Kasper; Van Look, Karin
    [EN] We study to what extent the “constraints-led approach” (CLA) in physical education can also be applied to skills teaching for law students. In the CLA athletes are challenged to finding their own movement solutions in a dynamic setting rather than responding to verbal cues in a fixed environment. Similarly, we experimented with the implicit acquisition of policy analysis skills in law students in preparation for pro bono client work in so-called law clinics. Although the project was cut short due to Covid-19 circumstances, preliminary outcomes suggest students feel better equipped to working with clients. We provisionally conclude that CLA skills teaching has the potential to improve skill acquisition in clinical legal education.
  • Publication
    Getting to know you: Student-faculty interaction and student engagement in online courses
    (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-07-26) Morrison, Jennifer
    [EN] Covid-19 presented many challenges to universities around the world as brick-and-mortar courses were moved to an online format. This work is an unofficial study of faculty-student interaction and student engagement in 7-week online graduate-level courses conducted in Spring 2020, Fall 2020, and early Spring 2021. Research shows that instructor presence in online courses leads to increased student engagement, as well as motivation, well-being, and academic achievement. Student engagement is shown to have a direct impact on a student’s emotional, behavioral, and cognitive successes. This work proposes that increased faculty-student interaction in online courses using a variety of strategies would lead to greater student engagement with the course, and in the end, greater student success in overcoming barriers and challenges to online learning.
  • Publication
    Evaluating Learning for the Multiple Constituencies of Higher Education: A Call for Action, A Call for Research
    (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-07-26) DeBacker, Diane; Dudek, Jaclyn; Patelis, Thanos; Kingston, Neal
    [EN] This paper explores the rapidly changing world of higher education and the need for different ways to identify learner outcomes and evaluate student learning. In recent years, higher education has experienced significant demographic shifts in student populations. These shifts were the result of numerous variables including the increasing cost of higher education, the demand from business and industry to get people into high-demand occupations faster, and the decreasing number of individuals choosing post-secondary education immediately following high school. The year 2020 brought unprecedented challenges to the world with the pandemic caused by the coronavirus known as COVID-19. The pandemic accelerated the change that was already taking place in higher education. From how education was delivered to where it was delivered, higher education was forced to rapidly change a centuries-old model. This paper explores a tier one research university’s response to the changes in higher education by employing a proven process of mapping learning outcomes, assessing both new and prior learning using innovative technology, issuing microcredentials, and working with policymakers and employers to meet workforce demands.
  • Publication
    Assessment of Environmental Literacy
    (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-07-26) Dias, Alexandre; Figueiredo, Margarida; Chaves, Humberto; Neves, José; Vicente, Henrique; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
    [EN] Nowadays, the issues related with environment preservation assume an increasing importance. Progressively, more sustainable solutions/techniques are being developed to combat environmental destruction. The decision to include themes related to the environment in the curriculum of technological courses in higher education aims to promote more sustainable behaviors and in an indirect way, increase the environmental literacy of the population. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the environmental literacy focusing on four topics, i.e., air pollution, water pollution, global warming, and energy resources. For this purpose, a questionnaire was developed and applied to a convenience sample, formed by individuals of both genders, aged between 20 and 81 years old. The questionnaire intended to collect data to characterize the sample and assess the literacy regarding environmental issues. In order to carry out the environmental literacy assessment, the respondents were asked to express their degree of agreement with some statements related with the environmental themes mentioned above. The data collected was analyzed using data mining tools. The results suggest that the population’s literacy is satisfactory in relation to some issues, but insufficient in relation to others, equally important, but less disseminated.