Ingeniería del Agua - Vol 27, No 2 (2023)

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  • Explorando la respuesta hidrodinámica de un río altamente perturbado por erupciones volcánicas: el Río Blanco, Chaitén (Chile)
  • Implementación de un sistema de alerta temprana integral contra las inundaciones urbanas y desbordamientos de sistemas de saneamiento: el Proyecto LIFE BAETULO
  • Radio máximo de la zona saturada en superficie bajo riego por goteo a caudal constante. Modelos analítico y empírico
  • «Créditos de agua», una contribución para asegurar la disponibilidad de recursos hídricos en España
  • Retornos de la inversión en la conservación de cuencas tropicales incluyendo la emisión de bonos de carbono


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  • Publication
    Retornos de la inversión en la conservación de cuencas tropicales incluyendo la emisión de bonos de carbono
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-04-28) Álvarez-Villa, Óscar D.; Franco, Diego; Vergara, Santiago; García, Victor; Cortés, Mónica; Giraldo, Jorge; Montoya, Juliana; Gómez, José; Peña, Nathalie; Rogeliz, Carlos; Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo; Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz, Alemania; Nature Conservancy; Alianza Latinoamericana de Fondos de Agua
    [EN] This paper presents the return-on-investment analysis for implementing conservation projects by the VivoCuenca Corporation. This water found operates for the Chinchiná river basin (Colombia) and supplies the water demands for Manizales city. This analysis consists in proposing a catalog of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) to improve the following ecosystemic services: (i) sediment retention, (ii) carbon sequestration, and (iii) hydric regulation. We evaluated each set of proposed NbS s financial viability using the return of inversion analysis (ROA). ROA encompasses the balance between the operation costs, NbS implementation costs, avoided costs, and co-benefits. In this case, we consider potential savings due to reduced sediment treatment costs associated with the NbS implementation and co-benefits for emitting carbon credits. Since the primary information is scarce, we use distributed water and carbon cycle modeling to calculate the physical variables needed for financial balances, such as liquid discharges, solid discharges, biomass, and sequestrated CO2. Our results show that the business case is viable only when it is possible to emit and sell carbon credits supported in the CO2 sequestered in the implementation of the NbS.
  • Publication
    «Créditos de agua», una contribución para asegurar la disponibilidad de recursos hídricos en España
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-04-28) Molist Gazapo, Jordi
    [EN] Spain faces huge challenges in terms of water scarcity. Current water availability is worsened by the need to achieve ambitious environmental objectives and by the prospective shrinking of water supplies, due to climate change. Faced with these challenges, river basin authorities have limited tools. This paper proposes a new economic instrument that would work as a safety net for other water policies. It is a baseline-and-credit scheme that has not yet been attempted for quantitative water management. It involves an overall reduction of water allocations, coupled with a flexibility instrument: a voluntary trade market on water withdrawal reductions (the water credits ). This market would guide investments towards the most efficient actions, whether of water saving or water resources development. This water-savings trade would be substantially different from a water-rights trade and would be designed with the aim of preventing negative externalities at its core, both social and environmental.
  • Publication
    Radio máximo de la zona saturada en superficie bajo riego por goteo a caudal constante. Modelos analítico y empírico
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-04-28) del Vigo, Ángel; Zubelzu, Sergio; Juana, Luis
    [EN] A numerical model able to study filtration patterns under drip irrigation conditions was presented in previous papers. The tests concluded that, the model is robust and efficient regardless of the soil characteristics. At the same time, a simplified analytical model was presented for superficial drip irrigation boundary conditions, which describes, the evolution of the bulb over the time as a function of the applied flow rate. This model is based on four soil parameters: saturated hydraulic conductivity, suction matric head at the wetting front, and the initial and saturated soil moisture contents. Simulations for soils characterized with functions type, Gardner, Clapp and Hornberger and van Genuchten-Mualem, were performed to get the maximum saturated radius on the surface at constant applied flow, for each of these three characterization schemes. Then, a set of three empirical equations has been obtained. Moreover, via the simplified analytical model, an expression in steady regime has been reached for the maximum saturated radius zone as a function of the applied flow rate and soil parameters. This paper presents the set of empirical equations obtained by simulation, and the simplified analytical model, as well as a comparison of these two models with the Wooding analytical model, which describes the same irrigation characteristics.
  • Publication
    Implementación de un sistema de alerta temprana integral contra las inundaciones urbanas y desbordamientos de sistemas de saneamiento: el Proyecto LIFE BAETULO
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-04-28) Martínez Puentes, Montse; Russo, Beniamino; Paindelli, Andrea; Recolons Lopez-Pinto, Paula; Hernández Pérez, Rubens; Bofill Ananos, Joaquin; Montes Carretero, Josep; European Commission
    [EN] LIFE BAETULO ( is an European pilot project led by AQUATEC, funded by the LIFE Climate Action programme, with a budget of around 1.2 million of euros and with a duration of 2.5 years (from July 2020 to December 2022). An Integrated Early Warning System was developed and implemented in Badalona as a technical and adaption measure to reduce exposure and vulnerability of urban assets and citizens to climate change. The system considers major climate change-derived hazards such as floods, combined sewer overflows (CSOs) (mainly addressed in this paper), but also storm surges, heat and cold waves, snowfalls, windstorms, air pollution and forest fires. The platform was built on top of existing infrastructure such as meteorological and weather services, drainage infrastructure monitoring systems and official information channels. BAETULO adopted a multi-risk approach, in contrast with classic sectorial solutions which focus on just one hazard at a time. This paper describes the objectives of the project, the solution architecture, the validation methodology and the benefits for the city of Badalona.
  • Publication
    Explorando la respuesta hidrodinámica de un río altamente perturbado por erupciones volcánicas: el Río Blanco, Chaitén (Chile)
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-04-28) Mazzorana, Bruno; Bahamondes Rosas, Diego; Montecinos, Liz; Ruiz-Villanueva, Virginia; Rojas, Iván; Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico, Chile
    [EN] This work explored the hydrodynamic response of the Blanco River to three-phase flows (water, sediment, and wood), in a context of volcanic disturbance. The scarce hydrological information makes the use of traditional methods difficult, so an alternative methodological approach was defined to determine the flood hazard through numerical modelling (Iber) and scenario design. The results showed that the discharge required to flood the town varied between 850 and 950 m3/s for single-phase flows (water only), while for three-phase flows the discharge was much lower (between 700 and 800 m3/s). In addition, significant differences in flooded areas were observed between scenarios with different roughness and proportion of sediment and wood in the flow. The results show the great complexity and sensitivity of the Rio Blanco River system.