ANUARI d’Arquitectura i Societat - No 3 (2023)

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  • Prefaci. Fer recerca
  • Editorial. Hàbitat i objectius de desenvolupament sostenible

Articles de recerca

  • La manca de lloc existencial. El no-lloc i la nostàlgia en l’era de la mobilitat
  • Manuel: habitatge cooperatiu. Una experiència col·lectiva al voltant de les noves maneres d’habitar
  • La ciutat com a jardí. Elements d’una eutopia
  • Sales d’exposicions modernes de mitjan de segle del Centre d’Exposicions de Brno i la seua renovació
  • La cota zero com a lloc d’intercanvi comunitari
  • Formar o no formar: Què forma(r)? Una llista de sostenibilitats sense resumir
  • Cap a la rehabilitació d’habitatges: demanda i necessitat social
  • Com podem contribuir a resoldre el trencaclosques de la sostenibilitat amb arquitectura bioclimàtica?
  • Cabanyal. Any 0. Estratègies de futur
  • Quina costa: resort o recurs?
  • Disseny de la resiliència climàtica urbana amb solucions basades en la natura i infraestructures verdes. Reptes, problemes i bones pràctiques per a la regeneració a escala de barri
  • Sostenibilitat i territori. Una lectura d’acord amb les categories vitruvianes
  • Un centre formatiu per a una “nova societat”: la consideració social en l’arquitectura de la Universitat Laboral de Xest


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 15
  • Publication
    Disseny de la resiliència climàtica urbana amb solucions basades en la natura i infraestructures verdes. Reptes, problemes i bones pràctiques per a la regeneració a escala de barri
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-11-29) Raffa, Alessandro; Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca; European Commission
    [EN] Climate change poses unprecedented challenges to urban environments, mostly affecting already vulnerable communities and ecosystems. While Climate Action (13th Sustainable Development Goal) still tends to focus on economic shifts and technological fixes, urban design and planning can play a crucial role in climate adaptation processes, enhancing socio-ecological resilience, while improving inclusivity, livability, wellbeing for all, opening to sustainable development scenarios. By focusing on nature-based solutions (NBS) and green infrastructure (GI), the contribution, which is part of an ongoing research, aims at identifying issues, challenges, and best practices to operationalize climate resilient adaptation through urban nature design and planning process and actions for neighborhood scale s regeneration. Through a qualitative methodology, three neighborhood case studies, recognized as best practices, will be compared in order to understand, issue and procedures related to the implementation of climate NBS and GI inside urban regeneration design and planning process.eworks towards equitable and livable urban futures.
  • Publication
    Un centre formatiu per a una nova societat : la consideració social en l'arquitectura de la Universitat Laboral de Xest
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-11-29) Usó Martín, Fernando; Palomares Figueres, María Teresa; Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura; Departamento de Composición Arquitectónica; Getty Foundation
    [EN] Under the premise of transforming society through educational policy, the Franco regime implemented a socio-educational program for working-class youth starting in 1955. This program aimed to boost the national economy by providing better qualifications for the workforce to support the emerging industry. In this context, the Cheste Worker University was created between 1967 and 1969, accommodating more than 5,000 residents, all of whom were adolescents aged between 11 and 14, coming from all over Spain. Residency at the educational complex was in a boarding school regime, where daily activities were carried out simultaneously and in sync. Architect Fernando Moreno Barberá tackled the design of the educational complex with design principles that addressed social conditions anticipated by sociological studies, such as reduction of overcrowding, seeking empathy with the students to ensure their well-being and the smooth operation of the complex. This contribution explores the influence of the user in the sensitive design of Fernando Moreno Barberá at the Cheste Worker University in all its scales: the layout, architecture, interior and graphic design, and furniture, all of which always place the young students at the center of the design considerations.
  • Publication
    Sostenibilitat i territori. Una lectura d acord amb les categories vitruvianes
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-11-29) Margagliotta, Luigi Savio
    [EN] In architecture, the concept of sustainability with regard to the territorial dimension is expressed in its criteria for the organization and management of the territory and refers to the use of land and its resources, the preservation of historical, landscape and natural heritage, the control of the hydrogeological system, as well as the strategies for productive, cultural and economic development. These issues, which regulate the location, construction and transformation of entire settlements, infrastructures, facilities and environmental reserves, can be managed from the act of composition, with a careful approach both in terms of form and in terms of the space and environment that are being modified. By breaking down the syntactic process of four Italian design proposals developed between the 1970s and the beginning of the current century, it is possible to deduce within them the application of the six Vitruvian categories: ordinatio (preparing specifications), dispositio (designing the forms) distributio (allocating the costs), eurythmnia (dynamics), symmetria (commensurability) and decor (functionalism) which, tending towards the optimization of the design effort, are revealed as operational foundations that intrinsically contain the authentic principles of sustainability. Indeed, to compose well is to compose sustainably , on all scales of building, since it includes in its own design questions of an environmental nature related to the economy of resources and space as well as their of use and modification.
  • Publication
    Quina costa: resort o recurs?
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-11-29) Lobo, Susana
    [EN] Between land and sea, the coast is one of the most extraordinary and unique habitats occupied by man. On this threshold, dune landscapes are particular sensitive environments, in constant movement and transformation. Conservation measures have been implemented to regulate intervention on such sites, mainly concerning the safeguarding of primary dunes, but little consideration has been given to the in-depth structure of these ecosystems. With the pressure of seaside tourism development, the remaining untouched dune areas are facing serious threat. In Portugal, many have recently lost their classification as part of the National Ecologic Reserve (REN), since 2006 defined by proposal of each municipality. Grândola, in the district of Setúbal, is at the center of present environmental concerns, with 7 new mega luxury resorts predicted for the Tróia Peninsula and Comporta s seafront, 4 of them partially on primary dune and 4 comprising the construction of extensive golf courses. Towards the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the focus should be on protecting the existing biodiversity, as part of the Natura 2000 network, and promoting the balanced use of local natural resources, in particular in an area of severe water shortage. That is the true luxury: to foster resource, not resorts.
  • Publication
    Cabanyal. Any 0. Estratègies de futur
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-11-29) Chust Silla, Alejandro
    [EN] Cabanyal has begun a new stage with the approval of the long-awaited Cabanyal-Canyamelar Special Plan (PEC) on May 24. This plan replaces the previous Special Plan for Reform and Internal Protection of Cabanyal-Canyamelar (PEPRI) with the objective of enacting a new urban planning regime focused on the regeneration and urban improvement of the entire area contained therein. The plan also establishes indicators that serve to better understand the urban structure of Cabanyal. However, the approval of this new plan must be understood as an opportunity to generate a new sustainable urban paradigm as well as a place for architectural experimentation. In the same way that popular modernist architecture was established as a reflection of the ways of life or customs of the inhabitants of Cabanyal, the new constructions that are being carried out in the maritime district must also be able to influence, channel and transmit the values or ways of living of a specific society or of a specific time for future generations. Therefore, the values assumed by this new architecture of the 21st century must be governed by standards of quality, habitability, or environmental sustainability.