REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria - Vol 21, No 2 (2023)

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  • Aprendizaje-servicio mediante la divulgación histórica a través de Wikipedia
  • Diseño de experimentos agrícolas como proyectos de aula implementados en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje
  • Impacto de una estrategia didáctica gamificada sobre el alumnado de una asignatura de Química universitaria
  • Percepción de aprendizaje a través de la simulación telemática en la formación inicial del profesorado
  • Estudio exploratorio acerca de la autopercepción del Desarrollo de la Competencia Digital Docente en la Universidad Tecnológica del Uruguay
  • Percepción de los estudiantes de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid de la calidad docente en la pandemia: Evaluación a través de Docentia-UCM
  • El reto formativo en enfermedades infecciosas: análisis de los Másteres Oficiales en España
  • Educación y responsabilidad social. Formando docentes socialmente comprometidos a partir del análisis de un centro educativo
  • El impacto de la tenacidad en el rendimiento académico en la educación superior

  • Recensiones

  • Reseña libro "Pasión por la educación"
  • Reseña libro "Estudios sobre la mujer en el aula universitaria: una aproximación a través de varias disciplinas"


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 11
  • Publication
    Reseña libro "Estudios sobre la mujer en el aula universitaria: una aproximación a través de varias disciplinas"
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-12-29) Torres Ruiz, Francisco José
    [ES] En la siguiente recesión se ponen de manifiesto los principales ejes de interés de esta monografía sobre el papel de la mujer en diversos ámbitos históricos y su didáctica desde la docencia universitaria. En ese sentido, diversos autores exponen algunos paradigmas y cómo realizan su enseñanza desde su labor docente.
  • Publication
    Reseña libro "Pasión por la educación"
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-12-29) Zabalza Beraza, Miguel A.
    [EN] Review of the book authored by Prof. Francisco Michavila, one of the most relevant and active figures in relation to the Spanish university system. Following his own biography, the author describes the evolution of Spanish universities over the last 50 years. Along with this description, the author adds very valuable considerations of an academic, pedagogical and political nature about the recent past of our universities and about the foreseeable future that awaits us.
  • Publication
    El impacto de la tenacidad en el rendimiento académico en la educación superior
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-12-29) González-Ruiz, Ana Victoria; Ayllón-Salas, Patricia; Fernández-Martín, Francisco D.
    [EN] Globally, academic achievement holds a paramount position in the realm of education, given the prevalent challenges of high dropout and failure rates. Non-cognitive skills, notably grit, have emerged as crucial factors closely related to academic performance. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between grit and academic performance in 576 students from the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Granada. The Kruskal-Wallis H test for independent samples and the Mann Whitney U test for two independent samples were performed to identify the presence of differences in grit as a function of age, sex, degree and course, and academic performance as a function of grit. Spearman's correlation analysis was also performed between the study variables. In particular, the results reflected significant differences in perseverance in effort as a function of field of study and gender differences were observed in both perseverance of effort and determination.  Moreover, the findings demonstrated noteworthy, statistically significant differences in the academic performance of the participants based on their levels of grit. Moreover, a discernible trend emerged, showing that university students with elevated levels of grit tended to exhibit superior academic performance. These results represent a significant contribution within the context of grit studies in Spain, as they underscore the substantial influence of this non-cognitive trait on the academic accomplishments of university students.
  • Publication
    Educación y responsabilidad social. Formando docentes socialmente comprometidos a partir del análisis de un centro educativo
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-12-29) Íñiguez-Berrozpe, Tatiana; Coma-Roselló, Teresa; Elboj-Saso, Carmen; Romero-Martín, Sandra; Aiger Vallés, Montserrat; Laguna Hernández, Marta; Cáncer Lizaga, Pilar; Sierra Berdejo, María José; Gómez Puyoles, Julio; Universidad de Zaragoza
    [EN] This work quantitatively analyses the impact on social responsibility of university teaching students. The development of an activity to analyse an educational centre and its context, as well as the design of strategies to improve their needs, has been analysed. Regarding the methodology used, an ad hoc questionnaire of 15 items based on the Social Responsibility Scale (De la Calle, García and Ortega, 2008) has been provided to 217 students in the first year of the Teaching Degree. A descriptive analysis of pre-test and post-test results, quantitative multivariate of the scale using ANOVA, of correlations using Pearson and comparison of pre-test and post-test results using T-Student has been carried out. The results show a significant increase in values after the activity in all the analyses developed. Furthermore, higher and interrelated values have been detected in the constructs and in the analysis of comparison of samples post-test with respect to the pre-test. Regarding the discussion, the results are in line with the development of responsible social behaviours though the implementation of educational projects by authors such as Fonseca et al., (2019) or Bustamante and Navarro (2007). The evidence concludes the positive effect of the practice on students social responsibility.
  • Publication
    El reto formativo en enfermedades infecciosas: análisis de los Másteres Oficiales en España
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-12-29) Belhassen García, Moncef; Hernández-Goenaga, Juan; Alonso-Sardón, Montserrat; López-Bernús, Amparo; Rodríguez-Alonso, Beatriz; Pardo-Lledías, Javier; del Olmo, Esther; Muñoz Bellido, Juan Luis; Muro, Antonio
    [EN] Introduction: Infectious diseases are one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In this way, the Spanish University has increased and complemented postgraduate training with an offer of its own degrees and official master's degrees that seek the most advanced specialization and updating, whether professional or research, in ​​knowledge of infectious diseases. Aim: To know and evaluate the current offer of master's degrees related to infectious diseases in Spanish universities. Methods: Literature review carried out in the months of February-March 2022 for the collection of information on postgraduate studies, specifically Official Master's Degree studies, offered in Health Sciences in Spanish Universities. Results: From the year 2005, when the "Master's Degree in Tropical Parasitic Diseases" was established, until the year 2022, 11 postgraduate studies related to infectious diseases have been implemented in 10 Spanish universities. Most of them have one-year duration and an average teaching load of 70.91±20.23 ECTS-credits. Average number of students per course: 26.27±5.98. Average price: €3,095.8±2,479.4. There are currently master's degrees in 8 autonomous communities, and non-face-to-face formats are gaining notoriety. Conclusions: The exponential growth in the number of master's degrees in Spain in recent years demonstrates the growing interest and updating needs in this area of ​​knowledge. Although the offer is extensive, it is neither homogeneous nor balanced, presenting potential areas for significant improvement. Health organizations and scientific societies should promote the relationship between the different levels of postgraduate training.