Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración - No 16 (2004)

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  • Filosofía y restauración El monumento como registro de la experiencia
  • La obra de Frank Lloyd Wright en Japón
  • El Hotel Imperial de Tokyo de Frank Lloyd Wright. Un monumento del siglo XX redivivo
  • La restauración de un edificio escolar de F.LL. Wright en Tokyo: Jiyu Gakuen Myonichikan
  • La restauración de la Casa Yamamura de Frank Lloyd Wright
  • Restauración de una casa morisca en el Albayzín de Granada


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  • Publication
    Restauración de una casa morisca en el Albayzín de Granada
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2004-12-21) López, José Manuel; Espinar, Antonio Luis
    [EN] This restored sample of a Moresque house in the Albaicín quarter is a token thathumble, fragile architecture can also be subjected to sensitive and respectful refurbishment works. The basic premises included a search and acknowledgement of the local identity of this architecture of Islamic tradition,the study of its material reality, the acceptance of the building'sconstructional sequences, the recuperation of traditional materials and techniques, the pursuit of concrete solutions that would avoid a homogeneous response with the ensuing decontextualisation.
  • Publication
    La restauración de la Casa Yamamura de Frank Lloyd Wright
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2004-12-21) Nishizawa, Hidekazu
    [EN] Yamamura house, designed by the architect in 1918 for a site located in Ashiya (Hyogo), is rather different in design from the rest of his work in Japan and closer to the characteristics of his work in California. Its singularity was reflected in its being appointed an Asset of Cultural Interest in 1974, the first building of the Taisho era (1912-1926) to receive this distinction. In the early eighties, the house, which was in a state of neglect, was subjected to study and restoration. Later the Kobe earthquake seriously damaged the building in 1995, so new restoration works had to be carried out, and these are the subject matter of this article.
  • Publication
    La restauración de un edificio escolar de F.LL. Wright en Tokyo: Jiyu Gakuen Myonichikan
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2004-12-21) Takano, Junko
    [EN] The recuperation of Wright's school in Tokyo is a guarantee of the survival of the only complete building made by the architect in this city that is still conserved. Its refurbishment, which has involved the replacement of a large part of the timber slats on walls and ceilings, was carried out with exquisite attention to the original configuration and furniture. The restored building has been opened to the public because it has recently been appointed an Asset of Cultural Interest.
  • Publication
    El Hotel Imperial de Tokyo de Frank Lloyd Wright. Un monumento del siglo XX redivivo
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2004-12-21) Vegas López-Manzanares, Fernando; Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura; Departamento de Composición Arquitectónica; Centro de Investigación en Arquitectura, Patrimonio y Gestion para el desarrollo Sostenible
    [EN] Frank Lloyd Wright ́s Imperial Hotel in Tokyo. A 20th century monument brought back to life, the text describes the time lapse that went by from the birth of this unique work until its reconstruction. In the first place, it examines the genealogy of the project, and then goes into the vicissitudes of its building. Its apparent integrity after the Kanto earthquake led Wright to boast of its cleverness and allow it to be mythicised,although this did not save it from bombing in World War II or from being demolished later. The article includes a description of the pathologies in Wrightʼs works, the desctruction of some of them and the architectʼspersonal relationship with the world of restoration.
  • Publication
    La obra de Frank Lloyd Wright en Japón
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2004-12-21) Vegas López-Manzanares, Fernando; Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura; Departamento de Composición Arquitectónica; Centro de Investigación en Arquitectura, Patrimonio y Gestion para el desarrollo Sostenible
    [ES] Durante su estancia en Japón motivada por la construcción del Hotel Imperial de Tokyo, Frank Lloyd Wright recibió varios encargos locales menos conocidos,...