Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics - Vol 15, No 1 (2015)

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  • Prólogo. El profesor Enrique Ballestero: un ilustrado en el siglo XX
  • The timing of environmental policy in a duopolistic market
  • Identification of the main sources of financing currently used by social enterprises
  • Non-parametric contrasts of fundamental multiples and stock multiples of European food companies
  • Implementation of traceability and its relationship with traceability: Theoretical framework and strategic challenges. An empirical application for fish sector


  • The Environmental Protection as a selection criterion in Socially Responsible Investments: A multicriteria approach
  • Compromise Programming. How balance economic and environmental criteria in a housing development
  • Practical use of the TSP distribution in the valuation method of the two bet


  • Prólogo. Enrique Ballestero Pareja: científico y maestro
  • An innovator of Agricultural Business Management in Spain
  • The multiplier effect of Ballestero on Agricultural Appraisa
  • Note on the value, cost and rent of irrigation water
  • Agri-food cooperative enterprises: From Ballestero to Bijman


Recent Submissions

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  • Publication
    Agri-food cooperative enterprises: From Ballestero to Bijman
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-06-26) Juliá Igual, Juan Francisco; Meliá Martí, Elena; Centro de Investigación en Gestión de Empresas (CEGEA); Departamento de Economía y Ciencias Sociales; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica y del Medio Natural
    [EN] Agri-food cooperative enterprises have developed significantly in the EU and are expec-ted to take on an even greater role in the European agri-food industry. Professor Ballestero’s theory and Decalogue for the agricultural cooperative enterprises are particularly relevant. We relate them to the well-known recent European Commission report on farming cooperatives in Europe, led by professor Bijman, and considered to be the largest study to date. Our analysis clearly shows the extent to which professor Ballestero’s theses are still completely valid today.
  • Publication
    Note on the value, cost and rent of irrigation water
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-06-26) Berbel, Julio
    [EN] The goal of this note is to pay homage to Professor Ballestero by reviewing briefly con-cepts that are part of his academic contribution to economic science and agricultural economics specifica-lly. The note focuses in key definitions in the water economics that center the public and political debate, in this field Prof. Ballestero made a seminal contribution.
  • Publication
    The multiplier effect of Ballestero on Agricultural Appraisa
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-06-26) Serrano, Arturo; Alarcón, Silverio
    [EN] Several publications of Ballestero at the beginning of the seventies of the last century are the starting point of a major transformation in Agricultural Appraisal. Ballestero’s contributions can be summa-rized under three headings: (i) Critical review and contributions to knowledge of the farm market, (ii) incor-poration of the subjective-objective evaluation, specific to the business valuation developed by the German school, to the valuation of properties, and (iii) reformulation of the classic valuation methods (analytical and synthetic) seeking connections with statistical methods and developing new techniques such as comparison of the distribution functions.
  • Publication
    An innovator of Agricultural Business Management in Spain
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-06-26) de-Miguel Gómez, María Dolores; Segura García del Río, Baldomero
    [EN] Brief personal reflection on the role played by Professor Enrique Ballestero in the teaching and research work of the authors and many other teachers of agricultural business management in the past 40 years
  • Publication
    Prólogo. Enrique Ballestero Pareja: científico y maestro
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2010-06-26) Caballer, Vicente