IN-RED 2017: III Congreso Nacional de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red

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Innovar, aprender y enseñar con las TIC, motivar, activar… son palabras que suenan constantemente en las tendencias actuales de la educación, en los docentes que cada día intentan mejorar y responder a unas necesidades de cambio.

INRED 2017 pretende hacerse eco de estas inquietudes y tendencias, siendo una invitación abierta a todos aquellos docentes creativos, innovadores, emprendedores… que quieran inspirar, y ser inspirados, con su trabajo, experiencia e investigación en la educación superior.

En su tercera edición, INRED tratará el aprendizaje en movimiento, tecnologías móviles, aulas abiertas, competencias, recursos tecnológicos, proyectos colaborativos en red… todo ello con la finalidad de mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en los centros universitarios. Se proponen pues distintas áreas temáticas a las que esperamos se unan muchos miembros de la comunidad docente en la educación superior.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 120
  • Publication
    Desarrollo de la Competencia de Trabajo en Equipo en la Asignatura de Dirección de Producción y Operaciones
    (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-07-18) Estellés Miguel, Sofía; Albarracín Guillem, José Miguel; Palmer Gato, Marta Elena; Peris Ortiz, Marta; Departamento de Organización de Empresas; Facultad de Administración y Dirección de Empresas; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial; Grupo de Cluster Innovación; Centro de Investigación en Acuicultura y Medio Ambiente
    [EN] Teamwork has become one of the demands in the labor market. This is due to the changes, the incorporation of technologies and the new processes that make the tasks become increasingly complex and in many cases it is not possible to obtain and individual resolution of them. Therefore, in many organizations are trying to create a culture of collaboration as the best strategy for problem solving. However the education that should promote cooperation and teamwork currently still promotes competitiveness. Based on all this, a teamwork experience has been developed in the Operations Management subject and this paper presents the results of the same.
  • Publication
    Recursos audiovisuales en la enseñanza universitaria de la Electrónica: una experiencia aplicada al ámbito de las Ingenierías
    (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-07-18) Rengel, Raul; Martín, María; Pascual, Elena; Íñiguez de La Torre, Ignacio; Vasallo, Beatriz
    [EN] The present paper details an experience in the innovative use of different audiovisual resources in the classroom and in virtual campuses concerning the teaching of Electronics in Engineering degrees. Among these techniques, we propose the use of real-time screen capture, the technical analysis of science fiction films as a basis to tackle group activities and the accomplishment by students of video lab reports. In particular, among the methodologies addressed, video reports with smartphones have revealed to be the easiest to implement. It is also the methodology with more direct and positive advantages, both for teachers and students, in terms of evaluation of competences, performance and time devoted to the task. Videotutorials have allowed to mitigate some limitations of the lab work, and the technical analysis of fiction films may serve an an additional motivation issue for the students. As a general conclusion, the results obtained allow affirming that these audiovisual resources are a very adequate complement in the teaching of Electronics.
  • Publication
    ¿Puede un conjunto de tareas evaluar la competencia “Análisis y Resolución de problemas” en una asignatura de grado?
    (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-07-18) Pérez Sánchez, Modesto; Pérez-Sánchez, M.; López Jiménez, Petra Amparo; Departamento de Ingeniería Hidráulica y Medio Ambiente; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial; Escuela Politécnica Superior de Alcoy
    [EN] The active methodologies in which the student are involved in the learning process are crucial for the motivation in the current curriculum. In this sense, the proposal of tasks, in which the student confront a problem, is interesting for the teacher. The results, obtained by learning based on tasks, are shown through the developed case study in the matter Fluid-mechanics Engineering (Iti. 2), which is taught in the third course in the Mechanical Engineering Bachelor’s Degree of the Escuela Politècnica Superior de Alcoy. The manuscript aim is to show six tasks make possible to evaluate the cross competence ‘CT-03 Analysis and Solving the problems’ as well as to improve the learning results of the specifics competences. The experience was developed throughout Poliformat platform, using Tasks tool, in which, the students were applied the evaluation peer review. The manuscript describes the developed rubrics and shows the high participation and satisfaction degree of the students when this learning methodology was applied.
  • Publication
    Herramientas Software para Enseñanzas Relacionadas con la Energía Solar Fotovoltaica
    (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-07-18) Peña Capilla, Rafael; García Díaz, María; Alén Cordero, Cristina; Díaz Villar, Pablo; Mallol Poyato, Ricardo; Díez-Pascual, Ana
    [EN] This paper describes different simulation tools developed in the Universidad de Alcalá in order to teach photovoltaic energy engineering. A web application is compared to other tools, such as spreadsheets and applications in Matlab environment, developed by the authors. In all the cases, the tools are focused on learning project engineering.
  • Publication
    Diseño de actividades y uso de la coevaluación para fomentar el desarrollo de competencias transversales en ingeniería mecánica y de materiales
    (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-07-18) Carballeira Morado, Javier; Rovira Cardete, Andrés; Suñer Martinez, Josep Lluis; Nadal Soriano, Enrique; Rupérez Moreno, María José; Dols Ruiz, Juan Francisco; Sahuquillo Navarro, Oscar; Martínez Casas, José; Vila Tortosa, María Paloma; Pedrosa Sanchez, Ana Maria; Denia Guzmán, Francisco David; Ródenas García, Juan José; Tur Valiente, Manuel; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Aeroespacial y Diseño Industrial; Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica y de Materiales; Instituto de Diseño para la Fabricación y Producción Automatizada; Centro de Investigación en Ingeniería Mecánica; Instituto Universitario de Investigación Concertado de Ingeniería Mecánica y Biomecánica; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial;  Instituto Universitario de Investigación de Tecnología de los Materiales de la UPV; Universitat Politècnica de València
    [EN] The evaluation activities developed within the frame of a project on innovation and improvement of teaching, and some preliminary results, are presented in this paper. The main goal of this project is to work on the design of evaluation activities that truly force the students to put their soft skills (generic competences) into play and, at the same time, that allow the instructors to grade their students’ performance on the technical-scientific competences.An assessment for learning approach is used, so that the evaluation activities are useful for the students to improve their learning experience.