Culturas. Revista de Gestión Cultural - Vol 10, No 2 (2023)
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Tabla de contenidos
- Patrimonio Funerario. La musealización como medio para su conservación
- Bibliotecas públicas de hoy, claves para la transición
- Musealización del patrimonio cultural de los alojamientos turísticos ubicados en edificios históricos
- Las políticas públicas educativas y culturales: caso del Estado de Guanajuato, México
- Factores asociados a la participación e intereses en actividades de extensión cultural
- Propuesta de implementación de una práctica artístico-musical performativa y participativa en localidades de la Comunitat Valenciana
- Diversidad cultural y saberes ancestrales en Colombia
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- PublicationDiversidad cultural y saberes ancestrales en Colombia. El caso de la Asociación de Mujeres Indígenas Zenú(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-12-15) Perilla Granados, Juan Sebastián Alejandro; Rojano Hooker, Wade Néstor; Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, Colombia[EN] The Colombian legal system currently recognizes cultural diversity, from a constitutional perspective that seeks to guarantee the ancestral knowledge of indigenous communities. However, part of the Zenú indigenous community, located in Montes de María in the Department of Bolívar in Colombia, considers that there is a risk of losing its cultural legacy in the current context. Therefore, the Zenú Indigenous Women's Association was established so that a strategy to preserve their ancestral knowledge could be established through artisanal work. This article contextualizes the strategy, systematizes its implementation and proposes strengthening possibilities from an interdisciplinary perspective. For these purposes, a socio-critical research approach is used, with qualitative research methods applied to field work.
- PublicationPropuesta de implementación de una práctica artístico-musical performativa y participativa en localidades de la Comunitat Valenciana(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-12-15) Martínez-Albiñana, Rubén; Escorihuela-Carbonell, Guillem; Carabal Montagud, María Angeles; Departamento de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales; Facultad de Bellas Artes[EN] The Valencian Community is the Spanish province with the most federated Musical Societies, through the Federation of Musical Societies of the Valencian Community (FSMCV). This group occupies a relevant space within the Valencian idiosyncrasy, since it covers a large sector of the population. With this, the vast majority of municipalities have their Municipal Band, structured in their Musical Society, which has missions such as the transmission and teaching of music. This text aims to promote a performative proposal, through the integration of collective experiences, through the works of Llorens Barber, within the Musical Societies and the inhabitants of their municipalities. In the works of said author, the entire population has its place in the representation, with this the implementation of global artistic-musical practices is proposed, in the form of integrative, current and innovative City Concerts, in a complete interaction with the population, which is an important part in the representation.
- PublicationFactores asociados a la participación e intereses en actividades de extensión cultural: Un estudio de caso en el contexto universitario(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-12-15) Verelst, Nando; Ortiz Rojas, Mauricio Antonio[EN] The management of artistic activities in Chilean state universities responds to their task in extending and democratizing knowledge and the arts. The present study aimed to explore the factors associated with the participation of internal audiences in artistic outreach activities, promoted in a State University of Chile, through one of its projects. The research had a quantitative approach, non-experimental design, descriptive type and cross-sectional scope. The survey technique, about participation and interest, was applied, managing to collect 208 forms correctly answered by professors, students, and administrative staff of the university under study. The general profile of the respondents and the factors associated with attendance at activities and interests were analyzed against the disciplines addressed by the project (cinema, theater, music, circus arts, and dance), applying non-parametric techniques of inferential statistics. The age and geographical location of people are associated with their level of participation, while gender and status (teacher, student or administrative staff) are associated with their interests. People usually attend to activities with friends, and those who do not attend, usually do so because of time or incompatibility of schedules. The information presented is useful for university cultural management, and for public policy makers.
- PublicationLas políticas públicas educativas y culturales: caso del Estado de Guanajuato, México(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-12-15) Jasso Jiménez, Fernanda[EN] The article presents the definitions and stages of action of public policies in evaluation and monitoring; In addition, it develops the basic concepts that are part of public administration, which support and justify the reason for public policies. An analysis of the institutions in charge of contributing to the review and monitoring of public policies is made through regulatory frameworks and government interventions of the responsible agencies at the federal and state levels of government in Guanajuato, Mexico. Finally, the second section will focus on analyzing the design of public policies related to cultural and educational subjects. This paper chronologically shows the relevant moments in the consolidation of cultural policy in Mexico, going through its institutions, regulatory frameworks, and decrees to portrait what has been done in the state of Guanajuato and its way of institutionalizing culture in the state as a variable that contributes to the economic, political, and social well-being for and by the people of Guanajuato.
- PublicationMusealización del patrimonio cultural de los alojamientos turísticos ubicados en edificios históricos. Propuesta aplicada a la Red de Hospederías de Castilla la Mancha(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-12-15) Marchena Ramos, María Carmen; Osorio Acosta, Estefania; Departamento de Economía y Ciencias Sociales; Centro de Investigación de Ingeniería Económica; Escuela Politécnica Superior de Gandia[EN] This article shows a proposal to museumize the heritage buildings with a historical and cultural character used by the Castile-La Mancha Network, through an interpretive guide. This initiative aims to offer the client added value to the tourist service of the accommodation, as well as highlight the historical buildings in which these accommodations are located. The value of this research lies in the need of society in general and the tourist in particular who stays in one of these inns, to know the place where they spend the night or visit, considerably improving their tourist experience in the destination. Likewise, it is justified by the great benefits that it can bring to the respect and protection of our heritage, since the aim is to achieve the social commitment on the part of these tourists, to care for, preserve and safeguard the history of these unique buildings.