Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración - No 19 (2006)

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Tabla de contenidos


  • Restauración e Historia: ¿Conflicto de intereses?
  • La conservación de la arquitectura: materia y mensajes sensibles
  • Proyecto de accesibilidad al público para las cubiertas de la catedral de Santiago de Compostela
  • Estructuras culturales y accesibilidad para la isla de San Erasmo en Venecia
  • Protección y puesta en valor de monumentos megalíticos del III milenio antes de nuestra era Restauración de un túmulo funerario en Alcalar (Portugal)
  • Recualificación de los Mercados de Trajano en Roma
  • La torre del homenaje del Castillo de Pombal una mirada (in)discreta
  • La conservación de la piedra del Claustro de la Catedral de Oviedo


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 8
  • Publication
    La conservación de la piedra del Claustro de la Catedral de Oviedo
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2006-12-17) Rojo, Araceli; Esbert, Rosa Mª; Valdeón, Luis; Alonso, F. Javier; Mateos, Félix; Ordaz, Jorge; Ministerio de Educación y Cultura; Gobierno del Principado de Asturias
    [EN] The works described in this article constitute a methodological model for similar works for the conservation of stone in historic buildings because of its scientific rigour and the evaluation, appraisal and confrontation of the options to be found on the market for controlling, directing and adapting the technology available, choosing the most suitable possibilities in each case to achieve a deliberate restoration process that restrains and orients the technical steps rather than the usual system of blindly proceeding to restore.
  • Publication
    La torre del homenaje del Castillo de Pombal una mirada (in)discreta
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2006-12-17) Correia, Luís Miguel
    [EN] The restoration of the main tower of this historic Portuguese fortress and its preparation to receive visitors provides the author of the article with food for reflection about the reciprocity of the gaze of the lookout tower and its observers from the eventful history of the monument and the natural surroundings where it stands. With this reflection as a point of departure, he takes Chillida’s work as a reference for a dialogue between elements involving age, content and varied materiality.
  • Publication
    Recualificación de los Mercados de Trajano en Roma
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2006-12-17) Ungaro, Lucrezia; Labics, Estudio
    [EN] The authors of this article describe the different actions put into practice in the recuperation of the magnificent ensemble of Trajan’s Markets in Rome. A historical overview of the monument serves as an introduction for the aims and criteria of the works, which involved the archaeological consolidation of the remains and the functional adaptation of the ancient tabernae and the footbridge leading in with a contemporary language and contemporary materials in an attitude of scrupulous respect for the existing matter.
  • Publication
    Protección y puesta en valor de monumentos megalíticos del III milenio antes de nuestra era. Restauración de un túmulo funerario en Alcalar (Portugal)
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2006-12-17) Santa Rita, Joao; Parreira, Rui; Morán, Elena
    [EN] The article shows the conceptual and technical complexity of works on very ancient archaeological remains, whose presence has melded into the natural surroundings. The restoration project thus becomes a project for the protection and embellishment of the anthropic landscape that permits us to read, understand and interpret it in spite of the obvious difficulties arising from the cultural and temporal distance between the present and the prehistoric past.
  • Publication
    Estructuras culturales y accesibilidad para la isla de San Erasmo en Venecia
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2006-12-17) Cappai, Carlo; Segantini, Alessandra
    [EN] The refurbishment of an old defensive structure in Venice Lagoon involved not only the material conservation of the edifice but an intervention on the surrounding area and landscape. This article addresses the need to conceive the restoration of a monument and its natural milieu as an inseparable ensemble requiring both physical repairs and the insertion of the infrastructures necessary to allow the public to enjoy it, in the most discreet way possible, so as not to distort the atmosphere.