ANIAV - Revista de Investigación en Artes Visuales- No 14 (2024)

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  • Editorial nº 14

Artículos científicos

  • Memoria, colonialismo, arte y tecnología: explorando diálogos posibles
  • Estéticas de la interacción: cliché y espectáculo
  • Entretejer cuerpos: estableciendo vínculos entre el movimiento ecofeminista y la performance
  • Reflexiones en torno a la menstruación como proceso creativo: sangre menstrual en el imaginario mitológico de la cultura maya y nahua precolonial
  • Estereotipos sobre Amazonia y pueblos indígenas presentes en la animación "Ainbo - la Guerrera del Amazonas"
  • Observar, meditar, interactuar: tres roles de la ventana en películas de no ficción
  • Funciones estéticas y pedagógicas del software: una reflexión teórico-práctica con estudiantes de máster
  • Cultware y arte: articulaciones con la filosofía de la tecnología
  • Análisis de obras de arte basado en tres aspectos del producto de diseño


Recent Submissions

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  • Publication
    Estereotipos sobre Amazonia y pueblos indígenas presentes en la animación "Ainbo - la Guerrera del Amazonas"
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-03-25) De Oliveira, Kelly; Venturelli, Suzete; Marins de Oliveira, Mirtes; Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
    [EN] In the emergence of the decolonial agenda in art, there are several audiovisual productions that address the theme of original peoples, among which the most varied animations stand out. Many of them, motivated by curiosity about what is different, by a somewhat naive desire to make indigenous culture known, easily fall into stereotypes and cliché images. This article aims to reflect on these issues through the analysis of an excerpt from the feature film Ainbo - Spirit of the Amazon (2021). To this end, the methodology proposed by Diana Rose for the analysis of moving images and its adaptation for the animation referring to the Amazon, made by researcher Davi Coelho, is used. It is hoped, with this work, to awaken the perception to recognize in other productions the stereotypes that perpetuate the derogatory image of original peoples and, thus, contribute to a decolonial turn in the political and artistic instances of society.
  • Publication
    Funciones estéticas y pedagógicas del software: una reflexión teórico-práctica con estudiantes de máster
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-03-25) Pérez-Campos, Marta; Kunstuniversität Linz
    [EN] This article analyzes the workshop Aesthetic and Pedagogical Implications of Software, whose main purpose is to reflect on the option of showing the software behind those projects that are designed using algorithms and, from there, to begin to inquire about what aesthetic-pedagogical value this unveiling may have. Divided into theory and practice, the theoretical part presents contemporary practices in which the code is used in an aesthetic way. On the other hand, an analysis of the pedagogical aspect of this aesthetization of software is proposed. In the practical part of the workshop, the participants were invited to create a prototype in relation to the theoretical part and their own practice. The workshop was evaluated by means of surveys, which were also used to draw the main conclusions. They show how, even though in their practice they had not considered software as an entity with an aesthetic value, attending the workshop meant an opening towards this possibility, towards a new perception of software and its link with pedagogy. Another fact to consider was the presence of the analogical and the performative in some of his prototypes. This workshop is the second one of those carried out within the doctoral thesis Beyond Code Poetry: An Exploration of the Aesthetic and Pedagogical Implications of Software in which the aim is to reflect on the relevance of an aesthetic approach to software and what consequences it may have in terms of knowing the inner workings of the machine. It took place in two 90-minute sessions at the Kunstuniversität Linz (Austria) and was part of the elective courses offered to students of the Interface Cultures master's degree.
  • Publication
    Análisis de obras de arte basado en tres aspectos del producto de diseño
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-03-25) Sogabe, Milton Terumitsu
    [EN] This article presents the analysis of a trilogy of artworks, Sopro, Toque, and Gesto, developed by the cAt (Science/Art/Technology) research group, based on design theories, particularly focusing on the contributions of Bernd Löbach. Löbach proposes three fundamental functions in the design product: aesthetic, practical, and symbolic. These functions correlate with the three design levels outlined by Donald Norman visceral, behavioral, and reflective and align with the universal categories of semiotics proposed by Charles Sanders Peirce, encompassing firstness, secondness, and thirdness. The analysis based on these three separate aspects does not exclude reflection on their interrelationships. Given the nature of these works, which require a technological system for interaction with the public, it is necessary to conceive a project aimed at the efficient functioning of these objects, similar to other design artifacts. This includes considerations beyond the aesthetic and symbolic aspects, which are predominant and fundamental in a work of art.
  • Publication
    Cultware y arte: articulaciones con la filosofía de la tecnología
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-03-25) Rocha, Cleomar; Flexor, Carina
    [EN] In a context of art mediated by the logic of software and hardware, this article discusses the rapprochement between the philosophy of technology, art and the concept of cultware. Using a qualitative and descriptive approach, the text is set in the context of art to promote this rapprochement, highlighting the role of art as a protagonist of technological culture. Based on a frame of reference from the philosophy of technology itself, some works of art are discussed in order to highlight their articulations, and the concept of cultware is then introduced. The conclusion is that art clearly plays an important role in this context.
  • Publication
    Observar, meditar, interactuar: tres roles de la ventana en películas de no ficción
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-03-25) Marín Ramos, Rubén; Ministerio de Universidades; European Commission
    [EN] The main objective of this paper is to analyze the role played by the window in three non-fiction films made entirely or mostly with shots taken from a window. These are three paradigmatic examples in which the window plays a different role in each of them. In Victor Kossakovsky s Tishe! (2002), the window functions as a voyeuristic dispositif that allows us to capture the spontaneity of everyday life without being seen. In La-bàs (2006) by Chantal Akerman, the window registers are used as a subterfuge for an introspective essay, and in Film Balkonowy (2021) by Pawel Lozinski, in this case the balcony is used as a meeting place from which to interact with the film s protagonists. In all three cases, these are non-fiction works made outside the logic of filmmaking, that is, in which the filmmakers work alone, with light cameras, without planning and even without a budget, which allows them to spend more time observing, reflecting and experimenting, freeing themselves from the conventions of the canonical documentary, as well as from numerous procedures of the film industry.