Ingeniería del Agua - Vol 28, No 3 (2024)

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  • Análisis de actuaciones en la zona agrícola de las cuencas Sur del Mar Menor con el objetivo de mejorar el estado ecológico de la laguna
  • Mitigación mediante bacterias, hongos y organismos superiores de los impactos ambientales ocasionados por microplásticos en ecosistemas acuáticos
  • Sistema de riego subsuperficial a demanda mediante vasos comunicantes: estudio de caso cultivo de col rizada
  • Cálculo de la evolución espacio-temporal de la recarga al acuífero cuaternario del Campo de Cartagena (SE España) desde 1970 a 2022
  • Eficiencia de bioportadores de PET reciclado en reactores biológicos de lecho móvil para el tratamiento de aguas residuales municipales


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  • Publication
    Eficiencia de bioportadores de PET reciclado en reactores biológicos de lecho móvil para el tratamiento de aguas residuales municipales
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-07-31) Huaman-Buitron, Noemi Andrea; Gómez-Lora, Walter; Zamora-Talaverano, Noé; Jaco-Rivera, Evilson; Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal; Instituto Especializado de Investigación y Gestión del Agua
    [EN] The present research valuates the efficiency of recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) biocarriers for the treatment of municipal wastewater in MBBR reactors.  As part of the objective, the wastewater was characterized, and the process was stabilized in the experimental bioreactors until biofilm development. Subsequently, the experimental system was operated at different filling ratios (50% and 30%) and hydraulic retention times (HRT) of 6 and 8 hours. Finally, the quality of the effluent was analyzed by measuring temperature, pH, COD, BOD5, TSS and Turbidity. As a result, the formation of a loose and thin spongy biofilm was achieved in three weeks, with an average removal of 81.80% for BOD5, 78.44% for COD, 85.96% for TSS and 94.13% for turbidity. In addition, it was found that the filling factor had statistically significant effects and contributed more to the removal of BOD5 and TSS, while HRT was more influential in the removal of COD. It is concluded that PET biocarriers are efficient and, according to normative standards, the treated effluent is suitable to be discharged into a natural water body and/or to be reused for the irrigation of green areas restricted to the public or of indirect or occasional contact.
  • Publication
    Sistema de riego subsuperficial a demanda mediante vasos comunicantes: estudio de caso cultivo de col rizada
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-07-31) Chipana-Rivera, René; Luna-Calle, Victoria; Blanco-Villacorta, Wilfredo; Moreno-Pérez, María Fátima; Roldán-cañas, José; Universidad Mayor de San Andrés
    [EN] The scarcity of water and the growing demand for food impose the use of more efficient technologies in irrigation. For this reason, the water and hydraulic foundations of subsurface irrigation on demand through communicating vessels (RSVC) were addressed, a case study of curly kale crop. The system was composed of a water tank, a bucket with constant hydraulic head, a manifold, laterals, emitters and culture vessels. The pressure loss in the system, for the farthest lateral, was 7.38491 mm.c.a., allowing operation at very low pressures without energy requirements. Due to the hydraulic continuity, generated by the evapotranspiration rate, the crops did not suffer water stress, obtaining an average yield of 360 g of fresh matter/plant, with a water use efficiency of 22.38 g/l, favorable yields when compared with other studies.
  • Publication
    Análisis de actuaciones en la zona agrícola de las cuencas Sur del Mar Menor con el objetivo de mejorar el estado ecológico de la laguna
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-07-31) Puertes, Cristina; Sepúlveda, Juan Francisco; Lidón Cerezuela, Antonio Luis; Francés García, Félix Ramón; Departamento de Ingeniería Hidráulica y Medio Ambiente; Instituto Universitario de Ingeniería del Agua y del Medio Ambiente; Departamento de Química; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica y del Medio Natural; Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia
    [EN] Agriculture is considered the main source of diffuse pollution, being nitrogen and sediments its main environmental impacts. Therefore, an improvement of the current management practices of these areas is crucial. In that sense, this study is focused on the southernmost catchments of the Mar Menor, an area which is under threat due to diffuse export of nitrogen and sediments. Hence, this study evaluates the effectiveness of several best management practices based on Law 3/2020, de recuperación y protección del Mar Menor para el control de las descargas de nitrógeno y sedimentos a la laguna. Results showed that being totally compliant with Law 3/2020 significantly reduce the production of sediments to the lagoon, as well as the surface nitrogen export and nitrate leaching.
  • Publication
    Mitigación mediante bacterias, hongos y organismos superiores de los impactos ambientales ocasionados por microplásticos en ecosistemas acuáticos
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-07-31) Newrick, Bess Alicia; Laca Pérez, Amanda; Laca Pérez, Adriana
    [EN] Due to their durability, versatility, and low cost, plastic products are essential in today's society; however, these same properties, responsible for their great popularity, also make them an environmental threat, causing serious problems including the release of microplastics (MPs). MPs, defined as polymeric particles smaller than 5 mm, are highly diverse in terms of composition, size, and shape, and are capable of carrying other contaminants and microorganisms on their surface, thus increasing their potential adverse effects. Although MPs are ubiquitously found throughout the planet, their presence is particularly notable in aquatic ecosystems, especially marine ones, as natural water bodies receive the vast majority of plastics dumped into the environment. Recently, bioremediation has been proposed as an interesting alternative to combat the growing problem derived from plastic pollution; therefore, the objective of this literature review is to analyze possible pathways for the elimination of non-biodegradable MPs of fossil origin in aquatic environments, through bacteria, fungi, and higher organisms, compiling the latest advances in this field.
  • Publication
    Cálculo de la evolución espacio-temporal de la recarga al acuífero cuaternario del Campo de Cartagena (SE España) desde 1970 a 2022
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-07-31) Alcaraz, Mar; Polo, María José; Hornero, Jorge; Jiménez-Martínez, Joaquín; Alcolea, Andrés; Manzano, Marisol; Agencia Estatal de Investigación
    [EN] The objectives of the work are to assess the temporal and spatial evolution of recharge to the Quaternary aquifer of the Campo de Cartagena from 1970 to 2022 and to generate input maps for a numerical groundwater flow model. To achieve them, meteorological data has been collected; available information on land uses has been compiled and contrasted, paying special attention to the temporal evolution of spatial distribution; groundwater recharge has been calculated with the code VisualBALAN, and recharge maps reflecting the spatial and temporal evolution during the simulated period has been generated with the support of QGIS. The calculated recharge has been successfully calibrated and validated with piezometric time series. The calculated average total recharge is 91 hm3 year-1 for the entire period; the extreme values are 24 hm3 in 1978 and 172 hm3 in 2008. This translates to an average recharge coefficient of 16%, a minimum value of 8% and a maximum of 24%.