Sanchis Kilders, Pablo
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- PublicationCompact focusing grating couplers for silicon horizontal slot waveguides(Optical Society of America, 2017-02-01) Larrea-Luzuriaga, Roberto Alejandro; Gutiérrez Campo, Ana María; Hurtado Montañés, Juan; Ramirez, J. M.; Garrido, B.; Sanchis Kilders, Pablo; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación; Departamento de Comunicaciones; Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Nanofotónica; Generalitat Valenciana; Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadIn this Letter, we present the design, simulation (2D and 3D), fabrication, and experimental characterization of compact and fully etched focusing gratings for a horizontal slot waveguide based on a silicon nitride layer sandwiched between amorphous silicon and a silicon-on-insulator. The measured coupling losses are about 4 dB with a 3 dB bandwidth of 38 nm. The fully etched configuration allows the fabrication in a single lithography step.
- PublicationSlow-Light-Enhanced Silicon Optical Modulators Under Low-Drive-Voltage Operation(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): OAJ, 2012-10) Brimont, Antoine Christian Jacques; Gutiérrez Campo, Ana María; Aamer, Mariam; Thomson, David J.; Gardes, Frederic Y.; Fedeli, Jean-Marc; Reed, Graham T.; Martí Sendra, Javier; Sanchis Kilders, Pablo; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación; Departamento de Comunicaciones; Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Nanofotónica; European Commission; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; Generalitat Valenciana; Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Reino Unido[EN] The integration of nanophotonics components with advanced complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) electronics requires drive voltages as low as 1 V for enabling next-generation CMOS electrophotonics transceivers. Slow-light propagation has been recently demonstrated as an effective mechanism to enhance the modulation efficiency in free-carrier-based electrooptical silicon modulators. Here, we exploit the use of slow light to reduce the driving voltage of carrier-depletion-based Mach-Zehnder modulators. The slow-light phase shifter consists of a p-n junction positioned in the middle of a corrugated waveguide. A modulation efficiency as high as V pi L pi similar to 0: 6 V . cm is achieved, thus allowing data transmission rates up to 10 Gb/s with a 1.5-V-pp drive voltage and an insertion loss of similar to 12 dB. The influence of the drive voltage on the modulation speed as well as the variation of the insertion losses with a group index is also analyzed and discussed.© 2009-2012 IEEE.
- PublicationUltra-compact TE and TM pass polarizers based on vanadium dioxide on silicon(Optical Society of America, 2015-04-01) Sánchez Diana, Luis David; Lechago Buendía, Sergio; Sanchis Kilders, Pablo; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación; Departamento de Comunicaciones; Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Nanofotónica; European Commission; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; Generalitat Valenciana[EN] Vanadium dioxide (VO2) is a metal-insulator transition (MIT) oxide recently used in plasmonics, metamaterials, and reconfigurable photonics. Because of the MIT, VO2 shows great change in its refractive index allowing for ultra-compact devices with low power consumption. We theoretically demonstrate a transverse electric (TE) and a transverse magnetic (TM) pass polarizer with an ultra-compact length of only 1 μm and tunable using the MIT of the VO2. During the insulating phase, both devices exhibit insertion losses below 2 dB at 1550 nm. Changing to the metallic phase, the unwanted polarization is attenuated above 15 dB while insertion losses are kept below 3 dB. Broadband operation over a range of 60 nm is also achieved.
- PublicationResistive switching and charge transport mechanisms in ITO/ZnO/p-Si devices(American Institute of Physics, 2018-10-29) Blázquez, O.; Frieiro, J.L.; López-Vidrier, J.; Guillaume, C.; Portier, X.; Labbé, C.; Sanchis Kilders, Pablo; Hernández, S.; Garrido, B.; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación; Departamento de Comunicaciones; Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Nanofotónica; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad[EN] The resistive switching properties of ITO/ZnO/p-Si devices have been studied, which present well-defined resistance states with more than five orders of magnitude difference in current. Both the high resistance state (HRS) and the low resistance state (LRS) were induced by either sweeping or pulsing the voltage, observing some differences in the HRS. Finally, the charge transport mechanisms dominating the pristine, HRS, and LRS states have been analyzed in depth, and the obtained structural parameters suggest a partial re-oxidation of the conductive nanofilaments and a reduction of the effective conductive area.
- PublicationTEORÍA DE CIRCUITOS. TEORÍA Y PROBLEMAS(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-07-22) Hernandez Franco, Carlos Alberto; Bosch Roig, Ignacio; Gosálbez Castillo, Jorge; Sanchis Kilders, Pablo; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación; Departamento de Comunicaciones; Instituto Universitario de Telecomunicación y Aplicaciones Multimedia; Instituto Universitario de Tecnología NanofotónicaEl presente libro trata de ser una guía para el estudio y la autoevaluación de la teoría básica de circuitos eléctricos. Su orientación es principalmente práctica y está dirigida a la resolución de problemas introduciendo previamente los conceptos teóricos necesarios. De esta forma y en líneas generales, el principal objetivo es dotar al lector de las nociones y herramientas necesarias para analizar la respuesta tanto transitoria como permanente de circuitos eléctricos sometidos a excitaciones de tipo continuo y sinusoidal. El libro presenta teoría, cuestiones y problemas, de forma ordenada por capítulos. En el primer capítulo se desarrollan los conceptos y leyes fundamentales de la teoría de circuitos más básica, con las defi niciones de corriente eléctrica y diferencia de potencial, resistencia eléctrica y ley de Ohm, energía y potencia, leyes de Kirchoff, etc. En el segundo capítulo, se amplían algunos de éstos conceptos con la introducción de los diferentes componentes eléctricos pasivos, como el resistor, el condensador o a bobina, y activos, con los generadores de tensión y corriente y las diferentes formas de asociarlos. En el tercer capítulo, se presentan los teoremas fundamentales que permiten una mejora en el análisis de los circuitos, como son el método de mallas y nodos, los equivalentes de Thevenin y Norton, la superposición y el teorema de máxima transferencia de potencia.
- PublicationDesign method for high performance grating couplers in photonic integrated circuits(Springer-Verlag, 2018) Larrea-Luzuriaga, Roberto Alejandro; Gutierrez Campo, Ana Maria; Sanchis Kilders, Pablo; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación; Departamento de Comunicaciones; Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Nanofotónica; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad[EN] The optimization of grating couplers is usually realized by multiple simulations using specific computational software for this task. Many grating parameters must be analyzed and designed to get the maximum coupling efficiency and the transmission spectrum centred at the wavelength of operation. However, these simulations may take a long time and consume high computational resources depending on the simulation resolution. This work is focused on finding a method to optimize the grating parameters with the lowest number of simulations. In this way, closed-form expressions are presented to get the optimal values for the period and fill-factor, which are the main parameters in the grating design. The usefulness of the proposed approach is shown for the design of silicon grating couplers operating at 1.31 ¿m and 1.55 ¿m and both TE and TM polarizations.
- PublicationDescarga de una bobina(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-05-13T10:48:56Z) Sanchis Kilders, Pablo; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación; Departamento de Comunicaciones; Instituto Universitario de Tecnología NanofotónicaSimulación de la respuesta temporal de un circuito formado por una resistencia y una bobina en serie con un interruptor. El interruptor está inicialmente abierto y se cierra en un determinado instante temporal.
- PublicationOptical phase characterization of photonic integrated devices(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014-07) Matres Abril, Joaquín; Ballesteros García, Guillem; Mas Gómez, Sara María; Brimont, Antoine Christian Jacques; Sanchis Kilders, Pablo; Martí Sendra, Javier; Oton Nieto, Claudio José; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación; Departamento de Comunicaciones; Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Nanofotónica; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; Erasmus+; European Commission; Generalitat Valenciana; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaWe propose a relatively simple experimental setup, capable of accurately characterizing the optical phase response of an integrated photonic circuit. The setup is based on a phase-noise reduction scheme using an external heterodyne Mach Zehnder interferometer. In particular, we characterize the phase response of different silicon photonic components: under- and over-coupled ring resonators, and a slow-light corrugated waveguide.
- PublicationNon-Volatile Photonic Memory Based on a SAHAS Configuration(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-04) Olivares-Sánchez-Mellado, Irene; Parra Gómez, Jorge; Sanchis Kilders, Pablo; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación; Departamento de Comunicaciones; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Aeroespacial y Diseño Industrial; Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Nanofotónica; GENERALITAT VALENCIANA; AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION; European Regional Development Fund; Universitat Politècnica de València; MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA INNOVACION Y UNIVERSIDADES[EN] The non-volatile memory is a crucial functionality for a wide range of applications in photonic integrated circuits, however, it still poses a challenge in silicon photonic technology. This problem has been overcome in the microelectronic industry by using SONOS (silicon-oxide-nitride-oxide-silicon) memory cells, in which the non-volatility is enabled by a dielectric trapping layer such as silicon nitride. Analogously, in this work, a similar approach in which the nitride has been replaced by a hafnium oxide layer, named as SAHAS configuration, is proposed for enabling a programmable erasable photonic memory fully compatible with the silicon platform. The structure features an efficient performance with writing and erasing times of 100 mu s, retention times over 10 years and energy consumption in the pJ range, which improve the current SONOS or floating gate based photonic approaches that exploit the plasma dispersion effect in silicon. The proposed non-volatile photonic memory device shows an extinction ratio above 12 dB and insertion losses below 1 dB in a compact footprint. In addition, because the memory is optically read, ultrafast access times in the picosecond range are also achieved.
- PublicationBroadband 8 micrometers long hybrid silicon-plasmonic transverse magnetic-transverse electric converter with losses below 2 dB(Optical Society of America, 2013-08-01) Sánchez Diana, Luis David; Sanchis Kilders, Pablo; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación; Departamento de Comunicaciones; Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Nanofotónica; Generalitat Valenciana; Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadA novel ultracompact (8 mu m length) hybrid silicon-plasmonic TM-TE converter is reported. The conversion is achieved during a partial power coupling between a waveguide and a hybrid plasmonic parallel waveguide. The impact of different types of metals is also analyzed. At a wavelength of 1.55 mu m, the device has an extinction ratio (ER) of 27.6 dB and insertion loss (IL) of 1.75 dB. Furthermore, an optical bandwidth as large as 100 nm is achieved with ERs higher than 25 dB and ILs below 2 dB. (C) 2013 Optical Society of America