Miralles García, José Luís Gonzaga
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- PublicationIntegration of high-speed train stations in cities: the case of Spain and Valencia city(WIT Press, 2017) Miralles García, José Luís Gonzaga[EN] Specialists have been discussing the best locations for railway stations for a long time; the first railway stations were built in the 21st century, and afterwards cities grew to the point of leaving the stations in central areas. Central stations provide train trips with several advantages over other means of transport. However, high-speed railway (HSR) introduces new variables when considering the best location for new stations. In 2000, the author¿s team started the discussion and assessment of possible locations for the new HSR station in Valencia (Spain) and undertook two studies to analyse this issue. This article provides a theoretical framework for train station location and the analysis of the case in Spain. Furthermore, it synthesizes the results from researches performed in 2002 and 2006 as well as their implementation in Valencia. In addition, this article examines recent experience in relation to new high-speed train station placement, and the case of the 2,400-km-long HSR network in Spain by the end of 2015. Since the HSR network has a different track gauge in relation to the historical railway network, adaptations in the old stations or new locations were required. This situation allowed us to analyse the evolution of HSR in Spain and confirm theories about territorial impacts and optimal rail-network design, particularly in relation to the best location for new HSR stations. This article also looks into the evolution and current trends in modern railway planning, which have progressively changed in Spanish cities such as Madrid and Barcelona.
- PublicationEl procés d’elaboració i aprovació del planejament municipal al País València. Disfuncions en la eficiència administrativa i ambiental dels instruments d’intervenció en la ciutat i el territori(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-03-06) Miralles García, José Luís Gonzaga[ES] El País Valencià, així com Espanya, te una llarga tradició i experiència en l’elaboració de planejament urbanístic i territorial en general i de planejament urbanístic municipal en particular. Els actuals 542 municipis disposen tots ells de planejament urbanístic d’un o altre tipus d’acord amb la legislació vigent en el moment de la seua aprovació. Progressivament, des de fa temps, el procés administratiu d’aprovació del planejament urbanístic municipal ha anar complicant-se. Segons un estudi actual, en la província de València, el termini mitjà d’elaboració del planejament urbanístic municipal és d’aproximadament 12 anys, amb un cas extrem de 25 anys. Resulta evident que aquest termini és excessiu i ineficient urbanístic i ambientalment. Recordem que el planejament esta sotmès a procediment d’avaluació estratègica ambiental i territorial. Aquest escrit aborda aquesta qüestió i les seues causes estructurals, i apunta una reformulació dels procediments amb l’objectiu d’aconseguir una gestió urbana i ambiental efectiva que permeta disposar del planejament, com a instrument d’intervenció urbana i ambiental de manera racional i eficient.
- PublicationGreen Infrastructure in Mediterranean Valencian Coast(WITPress, 2016) Miralles García, José Luís GonzagaDuring the period 1997-2007, it was produced in the Spanish Mediterranean coast a large urban sprawl. Partly caused by the increase in economic activity and population and partly caused by the increase of tourism on the coast. This expansion produced mass tourism processes at risk of landscape degradation phenomena and end of life cycle of tourism activities, following the guidelines known as the case of La Manga. This expansion also produced many urban develop initiatives, programmed and planned, which have not been implemented. In the case of Valencia, on the ground already developed but not yet consolidated the building, you can build up to 125,000 homes. From 2007, because of the huge excess of houses supply, construction and all the new developments in the Valencian coast are paralyzed. Paradoxically, the security crisis in the Arab Mediterranean countries, has resulted in the growth of tourism in the Spanish Mediterranean coast and particularly in Valencia. But this situation can be temporary. Therefore, at present, a change arises in the model of tourism in order to achieve a quality of landscape and tourism services and to avoid a mass tourism. At present, in 2015, regional government promotes a plan to identify and preserve the green infrastructure of the Valencian coast. It has approved a moratorium on new urban development across the coastal strip to a distance of 500 meters from the sea. This paper explains the approaches, objectives and expected results of this initiative.
- PublicationExploring the link between travel behaviour and sustainable mobility(WIT Press, 2022) Pourramazani, Hoda; Miralles García, José Luís Gonzaga[EN] Today's society, which is built and developed based on time and access, seeks to consider these values in different modes of transportation. But what influences these values is the behaviour of users and the pattern they choose. The present study seeks to reveal the factors affecting the behaviour and travel pattern of transportation users and their changes over time by reviewing the relevant literature. Finding and recognizing these changes is critical to finding user behaviour patterns because transportation network performance, policies, planning, and sustainable mobility goals result from these behaviours and changing user patterns over the years and the interactions between them. On the other hand, we know that behavioural patterns are due to users' needs and are different in different population groups. Their preferences and choices will be very different in different situations. Thus, unstable economic, demographic, cultural conditions, existing or lacking infrastructure, mobility habits, technology, and shared mobility can change users' behaviour or lead to an urgent need to change the pattern. This principle can appear in different countries and under different policies and facilities. Therefore, understanding the behaviour of users in sustainable transportation life is extremely important.
- PublicationHigh-speed rail and urban development in Spain from 1992 to 2016(Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles, 2018) Miralles García, José Luís Gonzaga[EN] In April 1992 started the first High¿Speed Rail service between Madrid and Seville in Spain. In other countries, usually, the HSR services are introduced when conventional train services accomplish its top capacity. However, Spanish decide explain its HSR network to all the territory. On the other hand, traditional theory of economic growth say that infrastructures are necessary but not sufficient to economic growth. In this sense, investment in infrastructures, especially in transport infrastructures, is justified, in general, for promoting economic growth. Today, 25 years after first HSR services in Spain, a large HSR network connect many Spanish cities with a length of 2,444.1 km in 2013. Really, HSR network is a territorial laboratory to test the theory about relationship between new transport infrastructure and economic growth. In addition, from 1992 to now, economics trends in Spain has three cycles: crisis cycle 1992¿1997, expansive cycle 1998¿2007 and crisis cycle 2008¿2016. According classical theory, new transport infrastructures allows comparative advantage to cities with new services. In consequence, today is a good moment to realize a comparative analyze between Spanish cities with or without HSR services. The population of each city is a good indicator of economic trends. In fact, cities with economic growth increase population while cities with negative economic growth decrease population. However, the analysis is more complicated because of two causes. On the one hand, the most important cities connected by HSR form metropolitan areas with special interior dynamics. For example, maybe city center can decrease while metropolitan area increase. On the other hand, the start of HSR services on each city is different because the network increase progressively. So is it necessary a special progressive comparison. This paper shows the evolution of inhabitants of cities that have HSR services and compare this evolution whit general evolution of Spain in function of date that HSR services started. On the other, hand the main cities are the center of their respective metropolitan areas. In this situation, another comparative analysis has been realized for metropolitan areas. The results show that the HSR has served to consolidate and extend the hinterland of the main metropolitan areas with interesting and significant exceptions. In fact, HSR services includes two kind of services: long and average distance. Really, the services for average distance explain the relationship between HSR and metropolitan areas evolution.
- PublicationRevising the basis for planning a new kind of progress: the case of Valencia's city(WIT Press, 2017) Miralles García, José Luís Gonzaga[EN] The paper analyses the contradictions in the regional planning process for revising the basis and criteria for future intervention and management in metropolitan areas such as Valencia with a new type of progress objective. Valencia, the Mediterranean coastal city, is the third largest city in Spain after Madrid and Barcelona. In the metropolitan area of Valencia about 1.3 million people live. ¿L¿Horta de València¿ is located in the suburban environment of the Valencian metropolitan area; it has agricultural land with high productivity. These agricultural lands include about 10,000 ha of historical fertile land and another 10,000 ha of fertile land irrigated more recent (about XIXs). In this metropolitan area, there are serious conflicts between different land usages mainly urban sprawl such as expansion of building and infrastructures, replacing fertile agricultural land use. In addition, there is strong competition between different urban uses, e.g. port, beach and tourist zones, high speed rail, industrial estates and new buildings zones. In addition, contradictions between sustainability and development are very intense, especially when the development is only an expectation. In 2000, civil society promoted the legislative initiative, ¿L¿Horta de València¿ Protection Act, while economic development in the period 1997¿2007 was based on speculative urban expansion. The main goal of this initiative is to ensure sustainable development while conserving natural resources needed for future generations. This initiative was refused based on two stated main arguments: i) protection would hinder the economic development and ii) elaborate a protection plan with other approaches. At the end of 2010 works of government about regional planning for ¿Horta de València¿ protection were finished. However, the plan is not approved yet. From the 2007 crisis, speculative urban expansion resulted in the impoverishment of many people; while, large areas of fertile agricultural land have disappeared.
- PublicationContributions to a theoretical framework for sustainable urban development: some conclusions of the Spanish case(WITPress, 2013) Miralles García, José Luís GonzagaThe period 1997 2007 was a period of economic expansion in Europe, particularly in Spain. The expansion occurred based on easy credit in a globalized economy. In Spain, a large part of the credit was allocated to civil works and construction of housing. So it caused a housing bubble that burst in 2007. Thus, in the period 1997 2007 unsustainable urban development was produced in Spain. Today we know a lot of the historical data of the process and its consequences in the economic recession lasting from 2007 to the present. Nowadays, it is possible to systematize the features of urban development, economic processes and behaviors of different social agents during the unsustainable development and after in Spain. Particularly in Spain, Valencia promoted especially this development model and, consequently, has become one of the paradigmatic cases. In addition, tourist residential demand has played an important role throughout this process. Tourist activity is a very important economic sector in Spain and especially on the Valencian and Mediterranean coast. This paper is a synthesis of the evolution of the main variables that explain in this case the unsustainable urban development process taking into account environmental, economic and social aspects. It also identifies the consequences. The analysis draws conclusions that can be generalized in this type of process. This allows us to generate proposals to identify the objective conditions that must be met in sustainable urban development.
- PublicationChallenges and Opportunities in Managing Peri-Urban Agriculture: A Case Study of L'Horta de València, Spain(WIT Press, 2023-09) Miralles García, José Luís Gonzaga[EN] Peri-urban agriculture potentially serves as an essential green infrastructure, facilitating sustainable transitions within cities by providing crucial local food ecosystem services to urban populations. This study centers on L¿Horta de València, a historically significant agricultural area surrounding the city of Valencia, Spain, which has been operational for an extended period. Legislative protection for the area was established in 2018, followed by the approval of a management plan in 2019, both formulated to regulate land use and stimulate agricultural activities. While it remains premature to assess the outcomes of these measures, an evaluation of the ongoing positive and negative transformations is feasible. This paper presents research aimed at addressing this objective and poses the question: To what extent are the newly implemented tools rectifying the originally identified issues? The study employed a semi-structured survey, administered to key specialists who were directly involved in the formulation process of the approved plans and represent a diverse array of stakeholders. The survey concentrated on a SWOT analysis, with the results organized along the following themes: governance of the agricultural area, behavior of major powers, social agent behavior, agricultural profitability, agrarian policy, market knowledge, farmer-society communication, environmental concerns, technical innovation, new transport infrastructure and urban development, and cultural services.
- PublicationThe economic sustainability in urban planning: the case of La Manga(WITPress, 2013) Miralles García, José Luís Gonzaga; GARCÍA-AYLLON VEINTIMILLA, SALVADORThe urbanization process that shapes the present Mediterranean coast started with the mass tourism that encouraged the Centres and Areas of National Tourist Interest law in 1962, as a strategic national investment. 50 years after its implementation, it is necessary to conduct a retrospective analysis of the results, assessing to what extent have the stated goals in the 1960s been met. The evolution of the macroeconomic, political and legal parameters show certain deviations from initial forecasts of many large urban plans carried out in coastal places created from scratch. The case of La Manga del Mar Menor on the Murcia coast a target for 250,000 holidaymakers which came from a desert dune in the 1960s, is certainly an example; poorly documented while enlightening, of the results that have been achieved. The study of real social and economic performance as a tourism product against territorial and landscape impacts, the problem of governance in the context of urban planning and the ability of private property to develop its own sustainable projects in the long run has been approached with the detail and objectivity that allows a comprehensive case study contrasted by the facts. All these elements will be distributed to either side of the balance, in order to evaluate the validity of a coastal development model, that after five decades we can now begin to postulate with enough research perspective.
- PublicationUrbajoc(Valacastell, 2020) Miralles García, José Luís Gonzaga; Calvete Marco, María; Inés Gómez, IñiguezAquest llibre és una guia per jugar un joc: URBAJOC. És el resultat d'una recerca en el camp de l'ensenyança-aprenentage. Tenint en compte els principis d’intervenció educativa en els alumnes de nivell secundari, hem dissenyat “URBAJOC”, un joc de rol en el qual l’alumne serà el protagonista del seu propi aprenentatge. La seua implicació en el joc li permetrà conèixer el procés de creixement urbà, de construcció d'una ciutat en una zona geogràfica concreta, que és la zona on ha nascut ell, potser també els seus pares, els seus avis, on viu actualment i on està escolaritzat. Les accions del joc desperten una gran curiositat, que el professor haurà d’aprofitar per a enrolar l'alumne en eixe viatge de recerca, de consultes, de visites a arxius i biblioteques, amb la qual cosa no sols aprendrà coneixements, sinó abundants estratègies que enriquiran la seua capacitat de aprendre a aprendre i els coneixements previs que tenia abans del seu poble i dels voltants. Al llarg del joc l’alumne ocupa un rol dins d’eixe esdevenir urbanístic, socioeconòmic, de la zona a estudiar. Des de qualsevol rol (banquer, industrial, treballador de la indústria, comerciant...) anirà comprenent la complicada xarxa de relacions humanes i econòmiques en funció del paper que desenvolupa. URBAJOC, dins la línia dels jocs de rol, és una forma alternativa, interessant, socialitzadora, i activa d'afrontar el procés d'ensenyança-aprenentatge.