González Escrivá, José Alberto

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  • Publication
    Coastal Monitoring Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for the Management of the Spanish Mediterranean Coast: The Case of Almenara-Sagunto
    (MDPI AG, 2022-05) Esteban Chapapría, Vicent de; Serra Peris, José Cristobal; González Escrivá, José Alberto; Departamento de Ingeniería e Infraestructura de los Transportes; Instituto del Transporte y Territorio; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos; Ayuntamiento de Sagunto; Universitat Politècnica de València
    [EN] The concentration of the worlds population in coastal areas means an increase in pressure on the environment and coastal ecosystems. The impacts of climate change affect natural biophysical and ecological systems and human health. Research has been developed to create coastal monitoring with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) that allow data to be obtained and methodologies that integrate computer vision algorithms for 3D and image processing techniques for analysis, combined with maritime information. The Valencian oval is located on the Spanish Mediterranean coast and registers significant coastal erosion. It is a densely populated area, with high economic relevance and tourist activity. The main goals of the developed research in this coastal area include creating a methodology of data collection that identifies environmental indicators significant to community health and uses in the coastal areas, to test progression of interventions and to assess coastal erosion detection and monitoring. The final objective is to aid in decision-making and coastal management. Sediment characterization was obtained, and continuous maritime information was collected. The dynamic evolution of coastal areas was researched by using UAVs on the Spanish Mediterranean coast. This technique is suitable for measuring medium to small coastal changes. Flight planning was carried out using the grid mode and adapted to areas in order to obtain a homogeneous pixel size and precision. This monitoring program takes advantage of technological development with very low economic costs and is a good tool for making decisions that must be based on scientific information. With the monitoring work, an annual erosion between 12 and 6 m was detected. The monitoring program has evidenced the shoreline trend as a result of the impact of rigid structures, mainly ports and groins, in promoting down-drift erosion processes in the area.
  • Publication
    Cubipod® Armor Design in Depth-Limited Regular Wave-Breaking Conditions
    (MDPI AG, 2018) Gómez Martín, María Esther; Herrera, Maria P.; González Escrivá, José Alberto; Medina Folgado, Josep Ramon; Departamento de Ingeniería e Infraestructura de los Transportes; Instituto del Transporte y Territorio; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos; Generalitat Valenciana
    [EN] Armor stability formulas for mound breakwaters are commonly based on 2D small-scale physical tests conducted in non-overtopping and non-breaking conditions. However, most of the breakwaters built around the world are located in breaking or partially-breaking wave conditions, where they must withstand design storms having some percentage of large waves breaking before they reach the structure. In these cases, the design formulas for non-breaking wave conditions are not fully valid. This paper describes the specific 2D physical model tests carried out to analyze the trunk hydraulic stability of single- and double-layer Cubipod (R) armors in depth-limited regular wave breaking and non-overtopping conditions with horizontal foreshore (m = 0) and armor slope (alpha) with cot alpha = 1.5. An experimental methodology was established to ensure that 100 waves attacked the armor layer with the most damaging combination of wave height (H) and wave period (T) for the given water depth (h(s)). Finally, for a given water depth, empirical formulas were obtained to estimate the Cubipod (R) size which made the armor stable regardless of the deep-water wave storm.
  • Publication
    Bunker consumption of containerships considering sailing speed and wind conditions
    (Elsevier, 2020-10) Medina Folgado, Josep Ramon; Molines Llodrá, Jorge; González Escrivá, José Alberto; Aguilar Herrando, José; Departamento de Ingeniería e Infraestructura de los Transportes; Instituto del Transporte y Territorio; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos; AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION
    [EN] This study focuses on container vessel fuel consumption considering the wind conditions along the ship path in the liner route. Simple analytical and semi-empirical formulas are provided to estimate the total resistance force and the bunker consumption rate of fully loaded containerships between 5000 and 15000 TEU considering the effect of wind and the corresponding waves on the Beaufort scale. The bunker consumption rate is proportional to the total resistance force, so bad weather significantly increases fuel consumption. Examples of wind hindcasts and added resistance increases for the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Indian Ocean are provided for a better "a priori" estimation of the bunker consumption for a containership in a given route and time of the year
  • Publication
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-09-01) González Escrivá, José Alberto; Medina Folgado, Josep Ramon; Departamento de Ingeniería e Infraestructura de los Transportes; Instituto del Transporte y Territorio; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos
    The resonance in ports is the phenomenon of energy amplification that takes place in a port or a basin if the incident waves have frequencies close to those of the natural oscillation of the mass of water in the port or basin, typically in the range 30