[EN] Eight species of coccidia were identified in 180
(57.3%) out of 314 faecal samples or topotypes from four
commercial rabbitries in Kangra Valley of Himachal Pradesh.
Mixed infections were common and 82% of thé ...
[EN] Coccidiosis causad by Eimeria species, is a
majar parasitic disease of rabbits and is responsible for a
high incidence of morbidity and mortalitv. The incidence of
th1s disease in EuroP.ean countries in 21-60% and ...
[EN] A study on growth ferfonnance on 90 broiler
rabbits of White Giant and Sovie Chinchilla, weaned a 28
days and malntained on 3 different diets for 56 days, was
conducted with an objective to work out an economical
feeding ...
[EN] Thirtv ona New Zealand White rabbits,
naturally infestad with ear manga, were divided into mild,
moderate, severely infestad ané:I infestad-control groups,
basad on their mean lesion seora. Three anímafs were
maintained ...
[EN] Two hundred ten Californian x New Zealand
White rabbits (117 males, 93 females) were usad to study the
influence of diet, slaughter weight (2.0, 2.25, and 2.5 kg), and
sex on the efflciency of dietary digestible ...