[EN] One hundred New Zealand White rabbits
distributed into five dietary groups were fattened between 35
and 77 days in indivicfuál ca9es. The diets were SOJ
(soybean control), FEV (26.5 % f1eld beans), FEVM (FEV ...
[EN] The data were collected on sixty New Zealand
White (NZW) and sixty Californian (CAL) weaned male
rabbits used to investigate the magnitude and direction of
genetic environmental mteraction. Ralf the rabbits in ...
[EN] This paper describes a standardized method for
in vivo determination of total digestibility in rabbits. This
method was working out within the European Group on
Rabbit Nutrition (EGRAN) which involves six ...
[EN] The effect of sire strain, feeding plan, slaughter
age and sex on the carcass g~~lity were studied on 120
crossbred rabbits (White Giant (vvG), Heavy Grimaud Fréres
(HGF), Light Grimaud Fréres (LGF) with New Zealand ...
[EN] Thirty two laboratory strain New Zealand White
rabbits aged about 6 weeks were divided into 4 equal groups.
Rabbits were fed diets of 9. 73 % (/DM) fibre in group 1 and 2,
and 12.86 % fibre in group 3 and 4. Yeast ...