[EN] Nutritional evaluation of Coastal Bermuda grass
as a sole feed was undertaken in adult male N"Z>N rabbits.
There was a constant decrease (- 18g/day) in body weight of
rabbits during_ the three weeks experimental ...
Ouhayoun, J.; Dalle Zotte, Antonella(World Rabbit Science. ICTA. UPV, 1993)
[EN] After a brief reminder on the main stages of
muscular differentiation, the papar gives a short account of
sorne of the studies on the biology of muscles we have
carried out on the rabbit and comments them in the ...
[EN] 31, 35 and 36 male New Zealand White (NZW),
or commercial hybrids Hyla (H) and Provisal (P) rabbits were
studied respectively, and rearad until they were 85 days old.
The test provided for two experiments: the first ...
[EN] A proposed modal of descriptors for rabbit
genetic resources data bank entry is presentad. A final
recommendation is also presentad to safeguard valuable
breeds/strains from danger of extinction. For each
breed/strain ...
[EN] In this papar, weighted least square analysis is usad to study
the genotype-environment interaction of major economic
traits of Angora rabbit for three generations in two
environments. The heterosis of the economic ...