En esta memoria nos dispondremos a presentar el estudio sobre las condiciones para la creacio¿n de una marca, algo fundamental para cualquier persona que se dedique al disen¿o. En este caso sera¿ una marca de ropa recicla- ...[+]
En esta memoria nos dispondremos a presentar el estudio sobre las condiciones para la creacio¿n de una marca, algo fundamental para cualquier persona que se dedique al disen¿o. En este caso sera¿ una marca de ropa recicla- ble y orga¿nica como caracteri¿sticas ma¿s perceptibles. Esta marca se centra actualmente en la produccio¿n y creacio¿n de indumentaria que tiene que ver con esta parte del disen¿o conceptual y la creacio¿n de prendas, pero considera¿ndolo algo mas esculto¿rico y presentado de una forma performa¿tica la cual dejara¿ constancia a trave¿s de un procedimiento fotogra¿fico.
Tambie¿n podremos observar detalladamente la Identidad Corporativa de esta marca, asi¿ como sus caracteri¿sticas y la previsio¿n de la repercusio¿n ante el pu¿blico interesado en ella.
Antes de todo esto nos adentraremos un poco en los referentes y nos informaremos a cerca de la moda de este tipo, ya que sin un estudio previo no se entenderi¿a bien.
Comenzaremos obviamente por donde se suele comenzar todo, por el disen¿o del logotipo seguido de lo que es la comunicacio¿n publicitaria (disen¿o de papeleri¿a corporativa, Branding, disen¿o de email corporativo etc).
El disen¿o de la marca va a ser una parte importante del trabajo, pero tambie¿n la realizacio¿n de las prendas de ropa y su enfoque fotogra¿fico
In this report we will prepare to present the study on the conditions for the creation of a brand, something fundamental for any person who dedicates himself to design. In this case it will be a brand of recyclable and ...[+]
In this report we will prepare to present the study on the conditions for the creation of a brand, something fundamental for any person who dedicates himself to design. In this case it will be a brand of recyclable and organic clothing as more perceptible characteristics. This brand is currently focused on the production and creation of clothing that has to do with this part of the conceptual design and the creation of garments, but considering it something more sculptural and presented in a performative form which will be recorded through a procedure photographic.
We will also be able to observe in detail the Corporate Identity of this brand, as well as its characteristics and the anticipation of the repercussion before the interested public.
Before all this we will go a little into the referents and we will inform ourselves about the fashion of this type, since without a previous study it would not be understood well.
We will obviously start where everything is usually started, by the logo design followed by what is the advertising communication (corporate stationery design, Branding, corporate email design etc).
The design of the brand will be an important part of the work, but also the realization of the clothes and its photographic approach.