[CA] La demanda turística al nostre territori ha anat augmentant en els darrers anys, l'oferta ha tingut que adaptar-se a les exigències dels turistes consumidors. L'oferta de festivals ha anat creixent des dels anys 90, ...[+]
[CA] La demanda turística al nostre territori ha anat augmentant en els darrers anys, l'oferta ha tingut que adaptar-se a les exigències dels turistes consumidors. L'oferta de festivals ha anat creixent des dels anys 90, època en la que nasqueren molts dels festivals coneguts avui en dia, tant a nivell nacional com internacional.
Aquest tipus de esdeveniments afavoreixen l'economia de la zona, el sector de l'hoteleria, creen nombrosos llocs de treball, tant directes com indirectes i la major part del personal es de la zona on es realitza el festival.
Per tant, en aquest treball analitzarem els efectes tan positius com negatius que han de tindre en compte a l'hora de realitzar un festival, així com la legislació estricta que posseeixen, depenent de la comunitat autònoma en la que té lloc. A més a més, coneixerem un poc més a fons el Festivern, com exemple d'aquest tipus de festivals així com, l'historia, l'impacte i l'èxit del mateix. Per acabar, observarem l'impacte que produeix a la zona, l'oferta turística que disposa el municipi i el gasto que realitzen els assistents d'aquest festival.
[EN] The tourist demand in our territory has been increasing in recent years, the offer has had to adapt to the demands of consumer tourists. The festival offer has been growing since the 90s, when many of the festivals ...[+]
[EN] The tourist demand in our territory has been increasing in recent years, the offer has had to adapt to the demands of consumer tourists. The festival offer has been growing since the 90s, when many of the festivals known today were born, both nationally and internationally.
This type of events favor the economy of the area, the hospitality sector, create numerous jobs, both direct and indirect and most of the staff is from the area where the festival is held.
Therefore, in this work we will analyze the positive and negative effects that should be taken into account when making a festival, as well as the strict legislation they have, depending on the autonomous community in which it takes place. In addition, we will know a little more about the Festivern, as an example of this type of festivals as well as the history, the impact, the success of it. Finally, we will observe the impact produced in the area, the tourist offer that the municipality has and the expense that the attendees of this festival make.