This thesis presents new approaches in off-line Arabic Handwriting Recognition based on
conventional Bernoulli Hidden Markov models. Until now, the off-line handwriting
recognition, in particular, the Arabic handwriting ...[+]
This thesis presents new approaches in off-line Arabic Handwriting Recognition based on
conventional Bernoulli Hidden Markov models. Until now, the off-line handwriting
recognition, in particular, the Arabic handwriting recognition is still far away form being
perfect. Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are now widely used for off-line handwriting
recognition in many languages and, in particular, in Arabic. As in speech recognition, they
are usually built from shared, embedded HMMs at symbol level, in which state-conditional
probability density functions are modeled with Gaussian mixtures. In contrast to speech
recognition, however, it is unclear which kind of features should be used and, indeed, very
different features sets are in use today. Among them, we have recently proposed to simply
use columns of raw, binary image pixels, which are directly fed into embedded Bernoulli
(mixture) HMMs, that is, embedded HMMs in which the emission probabilities are modeled
with Bernoulli mixtures. The idea is to by-pass feature extraction and ensure that no
discriminative information is filtered out during feature extraction, which in some sense is
integrated into the recognition model. In this thesis, we review this idea along with some
extensions that are currently providing state-of-the-art results on Arabic handwritten word