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Fluvià Alba, A. (2019). Study of the dynamics of the organic matter content of soil samples of two different forests, in different plots, under three different uses of the soil. Universitat Politècnica de València.
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Título: | Study of the dynamics of the organic matter content of soil samples of two different forests, in different plots, under three different uses of the soil | |||
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Autor: | Fluvià Alba, Artur | |||
Director(es): | Volanek, Jiri | |||
Entidad UPV: |
Fecha acto/lectura: |
Resumen: |
[EN] Presented thesis focuses on the dynamics of soil organic matter on sites with different
silvicultural management systems. Coppice, coppice-with-standard and high forest plots were compared in terms of soil organic ...[+]
[CA] Vaig a investigar el contingut de la matèria orgànica en moltes mostres de sòl. Prendré les mostres de 3 diferents parcel·les de 2 boscos diferents i també de 3 usos diferents a cada parcel·la. Amb aquestes dades ...[+]
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Derechos de uso: | Reserva de todos los derechos | |||
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