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RiuNet: Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia


Número total de visitas

Insights Into the Adaptation to Greenhouse Cultivation of the Traditional Mediterranean Long Shelf-Life Tomato Carrying the alc Mutation: A Multi-Trait Comparison of Landraces, Selections, and Hybrids in Open Field and Greenhouse 181

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marzo 2024 abril 2024 mayo 2024 junio 2024 julio 2024 agosto 2024 septiembre 2024
Insights Into the Adaptation to Greenhouse Cultivation of the Traditional Mediterranean Long Shelf-Life Tomato Carrying the alc Mutation: A Multi-Trait Comparison of Landraces, Selections, and Hybrids in Open Field and Greenhouse 0 3 0 1 4 5 4

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Figás-Moreno;Prohens;Raigón - Insights Into the Adaptation to Greenhouse Cultivation of the Tradi....pdf 96

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