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Etruscans in 3D - Surveying and 3D modeling for a better access and understanding of heritage -

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Etruscans in 3D - Surveying and 3D modeling for a better access and understanding of heritage -

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Jiménez Fernández-Palacios, B.; Rizzi, A.; Remondino, F. (2015). Etruscans in 3D - Surveying and 3D modeling for a better access and understanding of heritage -. Virtual Archaeology Review. 4(8):85-89. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2013.4324

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Title: Etruscans in 3D - Surveying and 3D modeling for a better access and understanding of heritage -
Author: Jiménez Fernández-Palacios, Belén Rizzi, A. Remondino, Fabio
Issued date:
[EN] Archaeological 3D digital documentation of monuments and historical sites should be considered a precious source of information and it can be very useful for preservation, conservation, restoration and reconstruction ...[+]

[ES] La documentación digital arqueológica en 3D de monumentos y yacimientos históricos es una valiosa fuente de información, muy útil tanto para la preservación y conservación, como para la restauración y reconstrucción ...[+]
Subjects: Cultural heritage , Surveying , 3D modeling , Analysis , Virtual museum , Patrimonio cultural , Levantamiento , Modelación 3D , Análisis , Museos virtuales
Copyrigths: Reconocimiento - No comercial - Sin obra derivada (by-nc-nd)
Virtual Archaeology Review. (eissn: 1989-9947 )
DOI: 10.4995/var.2013.4324
Universitat Politècnica de València
Publisher version: https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2013.4324
Type: Artículo


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