[ES] En cuanto a las actividades de extracción concierne, son un desafío para la innovación en Italia. Es posible mirar hacia el futuro haciendo salir al sector de la construcción de una crisis que transcurre ya durante ...[+]
[ES] En cuanto a las actividades de extracción concierne, son un desafío para la innovación en Italia. Es posible mirar hacia el futuro haciendo salir al sector de la construcción de una crisis que transcurre ya durante 9 años. A pesar de haber reducido las cantidades extraídas de arena y grava en los últimos años, los números siguen siendo muy altos. Todos estos datos nos han llevado a realizar este trabajo, el cual quiere profundizar en el comportamiento del hormigón realizado, reemplazando una parte del agregado convencional con cáscaras de mejillones, oportunamente tratadas y trituradas.
Para saber las necesidades específicas de nuestro cliente, le realizamos una entrevista a la profesora Dora Foti del Politécnico de Bari. Gracias a esta entrevista se han detectado los principales objetivos del proyecto; realizar hormigón con materiales de descarto, utilizar como material de descarto las cáscaras de los mejillones y conseguir un hormigón laborable incrementando su ductilidad y/o la resistencia a tracción.
El estudio continua utilizando un conjunto de técnicas y herramientas aprendidas durante la formación académica del Grado en Ingeniería en Organización Industrial. Por ejemplo, para entender mejor los objetivos planteados se realizaron tanto el diagrama de espina de pez de Ishikawa como la casa de la calidad. Al haber entendido los requerimientos, se realizó un plan experimental en el cual se valoran distintos métodos para proceder. Una vez escogido el diseño experimental más adecuado para nuestro caso, se realizaron todas las pruebas necesarias en el laboratorio (tracción y compresión) para comprender si finalmente se consigue una mejora sostenible del proceso comparando las características técnicas del nuevo hormigón con el tradicional.
[EN] As for the activities of extraction that concern, they are a challenge of innovation in Italy. It is possible to look forward to the future making the sector of the construction escape of a crisis that is going on ...[+]
[EN] As for the activities of extraction that concern, they are a challenge of innovation in Italy. It is possible to look forward to the future making the sector of the construction escape of a crisis that is going on already for 9 years. In spite of having reduced the quantities extracted from sand and gravel in the last years, the numbers are still very high. All this information has led us to a further investigation, this project, which wants to deepen into the behavior of the produced concrete, replacing a part of the conventional aggregate with rinds of mussels, opportunely treated and crushed.
To know the specific needs of our client, we interviewed the teacher Dora Foti of Politecnico di Bari. Thanks to this interview the principal aims and objectives of the project have been detected; to produce concrete with waste materials, to use as waste material the rinds of the mussels and to obtain a workable concrete increasing its ductility and / or the resistance to traction.
The study continues using a set of tools and techniques learned during the Industrial Management Engineering Bachelor. For example, to understand better the raised objectives we made Ishikawa s fish spine and the house of quality. When our given requirements where fully understood and studied we planned an experiment with different design methods which where evaluated and the best option chosen. Once we could proceed with the best experiment design for our Project all the necessary tests ( traction and compression)where executed in the laboratory to understand and be able to conclude if finally there is a sustainable improvement of the process comparing the technical characteristics of the new concrete with the traditional one. On having had understood the requirements, there was realized an experimental plan for which different methods are valued to proceed. Once chosen the experimental design most adapted for our case, all the necessary tests(proofs) were realized in the laboratory (traction and compression) to understand if finally a sustainable improvement of the process is obtained comparing the technical characteristics of the new concrete with the traditional one.