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Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas- Vol. 15 (2020)
Tabla de contenidos
Thematic vocabulary selection for didactic purposes: evaluation of a quantitative approach
Conceptualization of entities in a criminal law subontology: analysing the superordinate concept +DRUG_00 in FunGramKb
Uses of the preposition "a": cognitive processing in the correction of errors in ELE learners
A study of Valyrio, artificial language designed for Game of Thrones
Heteroglossic settings in the rulings of the Spanish Supreme Court and of the E.U. Court of Justice. The case of complex conditional connectors
- Conventionalized constructions in clinical case reports
New concepts, different approaches: tackling e-visibility in research project websites
Managing formulaic expressions in Spanish-Italian interlinguistic mediation: an experiment with italian university students
Reseña de Penas Ibáñez, M.ª A. (2018). El cibertexto y el ciberlenguaje. Madrid: Síntesis. Colección Claves de la Lingüística
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