[CA] Al present treball s’explicarà el procés de creació d’una aplicació de MATLAB des-de zero, per al
càlcul del temps per volta d’un model simplificat de vehicle a un circuit virutal. També s’explicarà
l’abast i ...[+]
[CA] Al present treball s’explicarà el procés de creació d’una aplicació de MATLAB des-de zero, per al
càlcul del temps per volta d’un model simplificat de vehicle a un circuit virutal. També s’explicarà
l’abast i limitacions del model i es validarà amb dades reals mesurades a circuit.
[ES] El presente trabajo se centrará en detallar el procedimiento para crear desde cero una aplicación
de MATLAB que permita calcular el tiempo por vuelta de un modelo simplificado de vehículo en
un circuito virtual. Se ...[+]
[ES] El presente trabajo se centrará en detallar el procedimiento para crear desde cero una aplicación
de MATLAB que permita calcular el tiempo por vuelta de un modelo simplificado de vehículo en
un circuito virtual. Se explicará cual es el alcance y limitaciones del modelo y se llevará a cabo
una validación con datos reales medidos en pista.
[EN] The simulation of vehicles in real conditions is currently one of the fundamental pillars in the process of design and conception of the car. Whether they are for personal use or for competition vehicles, the simulation ...[+]
[EN] The simulation of vehicles in real conditions is currently one of the fundamental pillars in the process of design and conception of the car. Whether they are for personal use or for competition vehicles, the simulation allows you to evaluate their components without having to manufacture prototypes and perform measurements on test circuits. These tools are effective when it comes to iterating between different configurations and provide valuable information for decision making.
In the development of competition vehicles, the ultimate goal is to design the vehicle that takes the least time to complete a number of laps on a given circuit. When working on design there are often trade-offs between power and weight, load and aerodynamic resistance, or tire performance and degradation. One way to resolve these conflicts is to simulate the vehicle in all the set configurations and determine the one that produces the least time per lap. In this way, a simulation tool facilitates decision-making in the concept phase (engine choice, aerodynamic concept, tire choice) and can be programmed to provide information on the development and sizing of other subsystems (fuel consumption data , brake disc temperature, motor temperature, etc.).
This work will focus on detailing the procedure to create a MATLAB application from scratch that allows calculating the lap time of a simplified vehicle model on a circuit. The scope and limitations of the model will be explained and a validation will be carried out with real data measured on the runway.