[ES] Los sistemas de microrredes independientes se estudian, discuten, demuestran e incluso prueban ampliamente en aplicaciones residenciales, pero rara vez se discuten y aplican en refugios de montaña. Los albergues de ...[+]
[ES] Los sistemas de microrredes independientes se estudian, discuten, demuestran e incluso prueban ampliamente en aplicaciones residenciales, pero rara vez se discuten y aplican en refugios de montaña. Los albergues de montaña son sistemas especiales de micro-redes de energía aislada que deben ser autosuficientes para brindar servicio y comodidad a los montañistas. Para generar suficiente energía a lo largo del día, la semana, los meses y los años, los sistemas de microrred de energía en albergues de montaña se componen principalmente de tecnologías basadas en combustibles fósiles que son más controlables y asequibles. En entornos sensibles como la alta montaña, queremos reducir el impacto ambiental de la operación de albergues de montaña, por lo que las fuentes de energía renovables deben introducirse en forma de sistemas de generación de energía fotovoltaica, eólica e hidráulica. Para que la edificación sea totalmente autosuficiente energéticamente hay que tener en cuenta la disponibilidad de fuentes de energía renovable en la ubicación de albergues de montaña, el sistema energético actual utilizado en albergues de montaña y el perfil de consumo energético (acumulativo y dinámico) a lo largo del año. El objetivo es simular el comportamiento dinámico de diferentes sistemas de energía de micro-redes independientes basados en fuentes de energía renovable.
[EN] Mountain refuges are tourist buildings located in ecologically sensitive places such as
high mountains. Due to their remoteness from urban centres, mountain huts cannot be
connected to power grids. Their energy ...[+]
[EN] Mountain refuges are tourist buildings located in ecologically sensitive places such as
high mountains. Due to their remoteness from urban centres, mountain huts cannot be
connected to power grids. Their energy micro-grids must be self-sufficient to provide
service and comfort to mountaineers.
The energy sources from which the required energy is obtained, must be the most
environmentally friendly as well as practical and affordable. This study focuses on the
analysis of different energy generation configurations at Lizara hut. Prior to the start of
the SustainHuts project the primary energy source at Lizara hut was mainly diesel fuel
used in an electric generator. Today the medium sized photovoltaic system is added that
is the only possible renewable energy source in micro-location due to the site conditions.
The aim of the work was to study suitable solutions to maximize the energy production
from renewables by reducing the diesel consumption. Different configurations regarding
the increase or optimization of the current photovoltaic system were firstly defined,
modelled and simulated using TRNSYS software that is specifically designed for
dynamic and transient energy system simulations.
The main finding is that just changing the battery charging strategy could bring a solar
penetration to about 62 % compared to the current 45 %. Other additionally proposed
configurations even reach 87 % solar penetration, but this would require a significant
economic investment.