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Challengers in energy transitions beyond renewable energy cooperatives: community-owned electricity distribution cooperatives in Spain

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Challengers in energy transitions beyond renewable energy cooperatives: community-owned electricity distribution cooperatives in Spain

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Cuesta-Fernández, I.; Belda-Miquel, S.; Calabuig Tormo, C. (2020). Challengers in energy transitions beyond renewable energy cooperatives: community-owned electricity distribution cooperatives in Spain. Innovation The European Journal of Social Science Research. 33(2):140-159. https://doi.org/10.1080/13511610.2020.1732197

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Título: Challengers in energy transitions beyond renewable energy cooperatives: community-owned electricity distribution cooperatives in Spain
Autor: Cuesta-Fernández, Iván Belda-Miquel, Sergio Calabuig Tormo, Carola
Entidad UPV: Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Proyectos de Ingeniería - Departament de Projectes d'Enginyeria
Fecha difusión:
[EN] Over the last decade, grassroots challengers to the Spanish electricity regime have grown in number and diversity. But whilst 'newer' renewable actors have attracted increasing scholarly attention, 'older', ...[+]
Palabras clave: Energy transition , Coalitions , Multi-level perspective , Challengers , Spain , Electricity distribution cooperatives
Derechos de uso: Reconocimiento - No comercial (by-nc)
Innovation The European Journal of Social Science Research. (issn: 1351-1610 )
DOI: 10.1080/13511610.2020.1732197
Taylor & Francis
Versión del editor: https://doi.org/10.1080/13511610.2020.1732197
This work was supported by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia [Grant Number CCD ADSIDEO 2016].
Tipo: Artículo


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