[CA] La infraestructura verda es una ferramenta clau per actuar front al reptes actuals de la
planificació territorial deguts al creixement de les ciutats. La transformació del territori ha
fet que el espai urbà i natural ...[+]
[CA] La infraestructura verda es una ferramenta clau per actuar front al reptes actuals de la
planificació territorial deguts al creixement de les ciutats. La transformació del territori ha
fet que el espai urbà i natural cada vegada estiguen més desconnectats i que apareguen
o s’agreugen problemes mediambientals, socials o de benestar.
En aquest treball s’ha analitzat i estudiat els elements de la infraestructura verda del
municipi de Sueca, centrant-nos en l’àmbit urbà i periurbà. Amb aquest estudi s’ha pogut
realitzar una proposta d’un sistema verd urbà que ajude connectar i vertebrar tots els
components de la infraestructura verda i afavorir la funcionalitat i serveis ecosistèmics
de cadascun.
[EN] The purpose of green infrastructure is to create a network with the natural, semi-natural and other important elements of a territory. In this way, the aim is to structure all the elements with environmental, landscape ...[+]
[EN] The purpose of green infrastructure is to create a network with the natural, semi-natural and other important elements of a territory. In this way, the aim is to structure all the elements with environmental, landscape and cultural value of the territory and improve its environmental and territorial connectivity.
In this case, we will analyze the elements that make up Sueca's green infrastructure. This municipality has a great interest in terms of green infrastructures, due to the presence in its municipality of elements such as beaches, natural places such as the Albufera Natural Park or Baldoví tusks, green and cultural spaces in the urban area. . and peri-urban areas or areas at risk of flooding on the Júcar River in the municipality.
Therefore, it is important to perform an analysis of all these elements and create a model of green infrastructure system in Sueca, which helps to improve territorial and environmental connectivity, preserve the natural and landscape elements and guide the urban development of the municipality in a appropriate, avoiding affecting the most important elements and areas with some natural risk.