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Characterization of welding notch designs and the impact on mechanical properties of 3D-printed PLA parts joined by a 3D pen

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Characterization of welding notch designs and the impact on mechanical properties of 3D-printed PLA parts joined by a 3D pen

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Michalak, M.; Boca, M.; Sover, A. (2023). Characterization of welding notch designs and the impact on mechanical properties of 3D-printed PLA parts joined by a 3D pen. En 4th International Conference Business Meets Technology 2022. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 22-30. https://doi.org/10.4995/BMT2022.2022.15466

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Title: Characterization of welding notch designs and the impact on mechanical properties of 3D-printed PLA parts joined by a 3D pen
Author: Michalak, Martin Boca, Marius-Andrei Sover, Alexandru
Issued date:
[EN] 3D-printing has been established as a fast and low-cost technology to produce prototypes in small numbers. However, depending on the geometry of a part the print time still can be reduced by splitting the part in two ...[+]
Subjects: Joining methods , Polylactic acid (PLA) , 3D printing , Welding , 3D pen
Copyrigths: Reconocimiento - No comercial - Compartir igual (by-nc-sa)
ISBN: 9788413960289
4th International Conference Business Meets Technology 2022.
DOI: 10.4995/BMT2022.2022.15466
Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València
Publisher version: http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/BMT/BMT2022/paper/view/15466
Conference name: 4th International Conference. Business Meets Technology
Conference place: Ansbach, Alemania
Conference date: Julio 07-09, 2022
Type: Capítulo de libro Comunicación en congreso



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