[ES] En el término municipal de Guadassuar existe una comunidad de regantes que utiliza agua de un pozo subterráneo para regar los campos de cultivo. Actualmente utilizan una motobomba de 239 kW para el bombeo de agua desde ...[+]
[ES] En el término municipal de Guadassuar existe una comunidad de regantes que utiliza agua de un pozo subterráneo para regar los campos de cultivo. Actualmente utilizan una motobomba de 239 kW para el bombeo de agua desde el citado pozo hasta una balsa a 3 km de distancia, desde donde se riega por gravedad a las parcelas del regante que lo solicite, consumiendo energía de la red eléctrica.
El proyecto consiste en el diseño y dimensionamiento de una instalación solar fotovoltaica conectada a la red de distribución, destinada a autoconsumo con excedentes, que ayude a reducir la factura por el consumo eléctrico de la red. La potencia total del generador fotovoltaico será de 440 kWp.
En el diseño de la instalación se tendrá en cuenta el ahorro económico anual previsto, el periodo de retorno de la inversión y la energía que se demanda actualmente a la red para un correcto dimensionamiento en el mes más desfavorable, donde mayor energía se consume por la mayor necesidad de riego.
[CAT] In the municipality of Guadassuar, there is a community of irrigators that utilizes water
from an underground well for agricultural irrigation. They use a 239 kW motor pump to
extract water from the well and pump ...[+]
[CAT] In the municipality of Guadassuar, there is a community of irrigators that utilizes water
from an underground well for agricultural irrigation. They use a 239 kW motor pump to
extract water from the well and pump it to a reservoir 3 km away. From there, gravity
distributes the water to the irrigated plots upon request, consuming electricity from the
The project involves designing and sizing a grid-connected solar photovoltaic installation
for self-consumption with surplus energy. The aim is to reduce the electricity
consumption from the grid and lower the associated costs. The total capacity of the
photovoltaic generator will be 440 kWp.
The installation design will consider the projected annual cost savings, the return on
investment period, and the energy currently demanded from the grid to ensure proper
sizing during the most unfavorable month when more power is required for irrigation.
[EN] In the municipality of Guadassuar, there is a community of irrigators that utilizes water from an underground well for agricultural irrigation. They use a 239 kW motor pump to extract water from the well and pump it ...[+]
[EN] In the municipality of Guadassuar, there is a community of irrigators that utilizes water from an underground well for agricultural irrigation. They use a 239 kW motor pump to extract water from the well and pump it to a reservoir 3 km away. From there, gravity distributes the water to the irrigated plots upon request, consuming electricity from the grid.
The project involves designing and sizing a grid-connected solar photovoltaic installation for self-consumption with surplus energy. The aim is to reduce the electricity consumption from the grid and lower the associated costs. The total capacity of the photovoltaic generator will be 440 kWp.
The installation design will consider the projected annual cost savings, the return on investment period, and the energy currently demanded from the grid to ensure proper sizing during the most unfavorable month when more power is required for irrigation.