[ES] Ante el incesante aumento de la movilidad en nuestras carreteras, sumado a la acusada migración del núcleo de la ciudad de Madrid hacia las áreas metropolitanas de la misma, se identifica la necesidad de adaptar la ...[+]
[ES] Ante el incesante aumento de la movilidad en nuestras carreteras, sumado a la acusada migración del núcleo de la ciudad de Madrid hacia las áreas metropolitanas de la misma, se identifica la necesidad de adaptar la red. De acuerdo con lo anterior, varios municipios de la zona norte de la Comunidad de Madrid, como, por ejemplo, Pedrezuela, El Molar y Talamanca del Jarama entre otros, exhiben a la luz de las estadísticas sustanciales incrementos demográficos en el periodo 1996-2020. Por consiguiente, la carretera objeto de proyecto trata de satisfacer la nueva demanda de desplazamiento así como proporcionar accesibilidad, adaptándose de este modo a la actual tendencia que la red deja tras de sí.
[EN] In light of the incessant increase in mobility on our roads, coupled with the marked migration from the core of Madrid city to its metropolitan areas, the need to adapt the network has been identified. In accordance with the above, several municipalities in the northern area of the Community of Madrid, such as Pedrezuela, El Molar, and Talamanca del Jarama, among others, have shown substantial demographic increases from 1996 to 2020, according to statistics. Consequently, the road project aims to meet the new demand for travel as well as provide accessibility, thereby adapting to the current trends left by the network.
[EN] In light of the incessant increase in mobility on our roads, coupled with the marked migration from the core of Madrid city to its metropolitan areas, the need to adapt the network has been identified. In accordance ...[+]
[EN] In light of the incessant increase in mobility on our roads, coupled with the marked migration from the core of Madrid city to its metropolitan areas, the need to adapt the network has been identified. In accordance with the above, several municipalities in the northern area of the Community of Madrid, such as Pedrezuela, El Molar, and Talamanca del Jarama, among others, have shown substantial demographic increases from 1996 to 2020, according to statistics. Consequently, the road project aims to meet the new demand for travel as well as provide accessibility, thereby adapting to the current trends left by the network.