[ES] Los últimos avances tecnológicos han abierto la puerta a la que se conoce como 4º revolución industrial. La inteligencia artificial, como líder de esta nueva revolución reclama un hueco en la sociedad. La universidad ...[+]
[ES] Los últimos avances tecnológicos han abierto la puerta a la que se conoce como 4º revolución industrial. La inteligencia artificial, como líder de esta nueva revolución reclama un hueco en la sociedad. La universidad como parte de ella y como desarrolladora de futuro expertos, debe ser capaz de adaptarse a los nuevos avances, con el objetivo tanto de mejorar la eficiencia de sus procesos administrativos, como la calidad de los estudios que realiza, y el valor que aporta a los alumnos en clase. El objetivo de este proyecto se centra en crear una base sólida, basada en el estudio de la literatura existente y de las opiniones y percepciones de las personas pertenecientes al mundo universitario, para poder aplicar, en un futuro no muy lejano, la IA en los diferentes ámbitos, tanto universitario, que es en lo que se ha hecho el estudio, como en un entorno empresarial, al cual se puede extrapolar.
[EN] With the arrival of the fourth technological revolution, smart devices and genAI take the lead in the
innovation field. Universities are also influenced by these new technologies, and stakeholders claim
them to ...[+]
[EN] With the arrival of the fourth technological revolution, smart devices and genAI take the lead in the
innovation field. Universities are also influenced by these new technologies, and stakeholders claim
them to be updated. This thesis aims to create the basis for the integration of genAI in the different
aspects of the university, focusing on academic programs. There, different roles for genAI in
university classes will be demonstrated, providing examples of applications and the value those create
for both students and lecturers. It is also the intention to understand the current applications of genAI
in universities as well as to obtain the stakeholders opinions, fears, and expectations. Finally, the
potential pathways for the future development of this new technology will be set.
The first part was the literature review which analysed existing methods of genAI application and
experiments to create a base of knowledge to build on. Then, empirical data was gathered by
conducting expert interviews with stakeholders in the university realm, collecting their opinions,
expectations, fears, and considerations of the integration of genAI in academic programs.
Additionally, previous experiences, and new ideas and suggestions about the different ways people
use genAI in class were collected.
Previous studies have been conducted, indicating various applications of genAI, and showing the
potential that it has. However, the lack of rigorous experiments highlights the need for proving the
methods proposed. The results of the interviews indicate that the use of genAI is already present in
the different aspects of a university, but as a help to the individual tasks of the university staff. It is
not yet included in official processes. In academic programs, lecturers strive to learn as quickly as
possible to provide good content to students and to put them on their main focus. On the other hand,
students have seemed to find the perfect individual lecturer, who creates personalised guidance
through the content of the modules. However, a general concern about ethical issues is spread among
the interviewees.
Despite all the benefits genAI seems to bring to universities and the willingness of the stakeholders to
apply it; the lack of experiments to prove its utility in the existing literature; and the ethical
implications, where the limitations are not drawn yet, a framework of uncertainty is created, which
does not allow genAI yet to be officially integrated in the university’s processes. It will also be a task
for the future to raise awareness among the population about the use of AI and the limits that should
be set