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Mechanical design of an 3R2P Manipulator

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Mechanical design of an 3R2P Manipulator

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Cubi Sanchez-Guijaldo, A. (2009). Mechanical design of an 3R2P Manipulator. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/36379.

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Title: Mechanical design of an 3R2P Manipulator
Author: Cubí Sánchez-Guijaldo, Arturo
Director(s): Jing, Zhao
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When one joint of a manipulator fails and is locked, the velocities of remaining joints will produce sudden change. The sudden change of joint velocity in fault tolerant operation of two coordinating manipulators for locked ...[+]
Subjects: Spatial redundant manipulator , Coordinating manipulation , Fault tolerance , Sudden change in joint velocity
Copyrigths: Cerrado
Universitat Politècnica de València
degree: Ingeniería Técnica Industrial, esp. en Mecánica-Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial, esp. En Mecànica
Type: Proyecto/Trabajo fin de carrera/grado



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