Castillo, Alberto; Sanz Diaz, Ricardo; García Gil, Pedro José; Qiu, Wei; Wang, Hongda; Xu, Chao(Elsevier, 2019-01)
[EN] In this paper, a disturbance observer-based quadrotor attitude controller for aggressive maneuvering is presented. The
controller is made up of the cascade connection between two control-loops: an outer quaternion-based ...
Velasco Martín-Vareé, Amalia; Femenia-Ribera, Carmen; García Benito, Jesús; Ojeda Manrique, Juan Carlos(The International Federation of Surveyors (FIG), 2021-06-25)
[ES] En España no es obligatorio el deslinde ni la participación de profesionales especializados en
los procedimientos de delimitación de la propiedad inmobiliaria. El acuerdo de deslindar y
definir los linderos se decide ...
[EN] The autograph drawing by the architect Francesco Borromini for the Oratorio dei Filippini project (Rome, 1637-50), housed in the Victoria & Albert Museum in London (E.510-1937), could be regarded as the graphic ...
Gilabert Sansalvador, Laura; Montuori, Riccardo; Tankersley, Sara(Middle American Research Institute, 2022)
[EN] In 1930, Frans Blom, Director of the Middle American Research Institute at Tulane University, gathered an interdisciplinary team to travel to Yucata¿n in Mexico and conduct a detailed survey of the Nunnery Quadrangle ...
[EN] One of the main challenges to be faced in contemporary societies of the twenty-first century is the urgency of moving towards a people-centred approach to security (Abello-Colak et al. Nuestras voces sobre seguridad ...