Typically, the structure of any project is as follows: proposal of the problem, justifying the
research, development of the project and conclusions regarding the original problem. But
sometimes setbacks appear, unexpected ...[+]
Typically, the structure of any project is as follows: proposal of the problem, justifying the
research, development of the project and conclusions regarding the original problem. But
sometimes setbacks appear, unexpected turns that impede the normal line of the project.
This paper suffered several setbacks favoring a totally different structure to a conventional
one: it is composed of three sub-projects, of which two of them do not share the conclusions
to the original problem.
The first sub-project, Chapter 2, presents Preliminary design of a trolley for dismantling an
aircraft at the end of life. The aeronautic private enterprise Avianor, in their quest to be a
world leader in recycling aircraft, wanted a trolley to completely dismantle the plane in order
to try to reuse all the aircraft¿s components and materials. Thus Avianor contacted the ¿Ecole
de Technologie Superieure¿ in Montreal (Canada) and both established the guidelines to
achieve a detailed design of the trolley. Unfortunately, a short time after beginning the
project, Avianor did not wish to continue and the research only became the preliminary
design of the trolley.
The second sub-project, Chapter 3, describes the modelling and optimization of the
structure of the material for orthopedic implants using numerical tools. After ending the
first project, I was relocated by my tutor, the Dr. Terriault, to an entirely new field: the porous
superelastic metal alloys for medical purposes within the branch of orthopedics. In this new
project, the aim was to design porous structures and optimize them to obtain maximum
compatibility with living tissue. In the absence of the manufacturing machine for the
superelastic metal alloys due to economic reasons, an alternative plastic material during the
study development was necessary. Regrettably, this material did not reproduce superelasticity
behavior so this project had to stop too. However, when the manufacturing machine of the
super alloy is available, the project development will continue.
The third sub-project, Chapter 4, shows the Unit cell analysis of the superelastic behavior
of open-cell tetrakaidecahedral shape memory alloy foam under quasi-static loading. In
the previous project, one of the structures that were studied was the tetrakaidecahedral
geometric. This structure is of great interest in the area of shape memory alloys, and luckily,
at this moment the department was performing a research project whose geometry and
methodology resembles the ones of the latter. I started to successfully collaborate in this
project. It is worth to say that the results of this work have been sent to a JCR journal,
¿Computational Material Science¿. The title of the paper is ¿Unit cell analysis of the
superelastic behavior of open-cell tetrakaidecahedral shape memory alloy foam under quasistatic