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Path loss modeling for vehicular system performance and communicaitons protocols evaluation

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Path loss modeling for vehicular system performance and communicaitons protocols evaluation

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Fernández González, HA.; Rubio Arjona, L.; Reig, J.; Rodrigo Peñarrocha, VM.; Valero-Nogueira, A. (2013). Path loss modeling for vehicular system performance and communicaitons protocols evaluation. Mobile Networks and Applications. 18(6):755-765. doi:10.1007/s11036-013-0463-x

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Título: Path loss modeling for vehicular system performance and communicaitons protocols evaluation
Autor: Fernández González, Herman Antonio Rubio Arjona, Lorenzo Reig, Juan Rodrigo Peñarrocha, Vicent Miquel Valero-Nogueira, Alejandro
Entidad UPV: Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto Universitario de Telecomunicación y Aplicaciones Multimedia - Institut Universitari de Telecomunicacions i Aplicacions Multimèdia
Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Comunicaciones - Departament de Comunicacions
Fecha difusión:
Vehicular communications are receiving considerable attention due to the introduction of the intelligent transportation system (ITS) concept, enabling smart and intelligent driving technologies and applications. To design, ...[+]
Palabras clave: Vehicular channels , Vehicular channel characterization , Vehicular communications , Vvehicular channel measurements , Path loss modeling , Packet error rate
Derechos de uso: Reserva de todos los derechos
Mobile Networks and Applications. (issn: 1383-469X )
DOI: 10.1007/s11036-013-0463-x
Springer Verlag (Germany)
Versión del editor: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11036-013-0463-x
Tipo: Artículo


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