[EN] Mozambique, located on the east coast of Africa, is a developing country
with great potential in terms of the availability of agro-ecological
resources. It has a great diversity of climate, vegetation and ...[+]
[EN] Mozambique, located on the east coast of Africa, is a developing country
with great potential in terms of the availability of agro-ecological
resources. It has a great diversity of climate, vegetation and geographic
regions. This results in a variety of melliferous flora that can be exploited
throughout the year by transhumance. Beekeeping in rural areas of
Mozambique provides food for families and could serve to complement
their income. There is an almost total lack of scientific data concerning the
characteristics of honey from Mozambique. Therefore, the objective of this
study was to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics, colour, sugar
composition and the aromatic fraction of honey from different areas of
Mozambique (Nampula, Sofala y Zambezia). The ANOVA results showed
that honey from the three regions differed significantly in relation to HMF,
moisture, electrical conductivity, aw and Pfund colour, but not with respect
to the content of major sugars (fructose, glucose and sucrose). With
regard to the volatile fraction, statistical differences were found between
geographic regions for 14 of the 35 compounds identified. A multivariate
analysis (PCA) of these compounds permitted differentiation of the honey
samples according to their origin. Mozambique honey from the three
areas under study have different characteristics in relation to the presence
of volatile compounds; either due to an abundance of them (e.g.
Nampula), or the presence of some specific compounds, especially
aldehydes such as Butanal and Butanal 2-methyl (e.g. Sofala)
[ES] El trabajo consiste en el estudio de la fracción volátil de mieles procedentes de tres regiones de Mozambique. El análisis de las muestras se ha llevado a cabo por purga y trampa y GC-MS. Se ha observado determinados ...[+]
[ES] El trabajo consiste en el estudio de la fracción volátil de mieles procedentes de tres regiones de Mozambique. El análisis de las muestras se ha llevado a cabo por purga y trampa y GC-MS. Se ha observado determinados compuestos específicos de las diferentes zonas geográficas relacionados con la flora presente en ellas.