[ES] Se quiere estudiar el efecto que tiene sobre la coneja y sobre la camada la limitación del tiempo de acceso al nido durante la fase de lactación estricta. Para ello se medira el comportamiento de la coneja desde el ...[+]
[ES] Se quiere estudiar el efecto que tiene sobre la coneja y sobre la camada la limitación del tiempo de acceso al nido durante la fase de lactación estricta. Para ello se medira el comportamiento de la coneja desde el parto hasta los 18 días post-parto, contabilizando durante media hora a las 9 y a las 14 horas de los lunes y los viernes de cada semana los accesos al nido (o intentos) , así como su producción diaria de leche, el crecimiento semanal de los gazapos , y el consumo de pienso, el peso y la evolución de los depósitos grasos de la coneja cada semana desde el parto al destete, según tenga acceso libre al nido o se le limite este exclusivamente para amamantar a los gazapos durante la primera, segunda o tercera semana postparto.
[EN] This Degree Final Dissertation aims to examine the influence of nest access restriction on
maternal behaviour and milk production of rabbit does during the first three weeks of
controlled lactation. A total amount ...[+]
[EN] This Degree Final Dissertation aims to examine the influence of nest access restriction on
maternal behaviour and milk production of rabbit does during the first three weeks of
controlled lactation. A total amount of 48 multiparous rabbit does were employed and thus
divided into three series, each series made up of 16 does. Four groups were created according
to the week of nest access restriction: The control group to whom the nest was not closed, and
three groups to whom the nest remained close during the first, second and third week of
lactation except for sucking during a few minutes. A visual control of nest behaviour of the
rabbit does was carried out every Monday and Friday during each week and lied in writing
down the frequency and duration of access or approximation to the nest for half an hour, after
suckling and at 14 pm. The weight and feed intake of mothers, the weight of litters as well as
the perirrenal fat thickness of rabbit does were recorded weekly from birth to weaning; and
milk yield was measured four days a week during the first three weeks of lactation. The
productivity of does as well as the growth and viability of litters were not affected by nest
access restriction, while the frequency of approximation of rabbit does to the nest decreased
when the nest was closed throughout the day, especially during the first week of lactation and
after suckling. This variation of behaviour seems few relevant and not related with a decrease
in does welfare.