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Road crashes occurrence depends on several factors: human factor, infrastructure factor and vehicle factor. The infrastructure factor is one of the most important. The influence of this factor on road safety can be analyzed by means of road design consistency. It refers to the conformance of highway geometry to drivers’ expectations.A new consistency model for evaluating the performance of tangent-to-curve transitions at two-lane rural roads is presented. It is based on the Inertial Consistency Index (ICI), defined for each transition. It is calculated at the beginning point of the curve, as the difference bet-ween the average operating speed of the previous 1 km road segment (inertial operating speed) and the opera-ting speed at this point.88 road segments, which included 1,686 tangent-to-curve transitions, were studied in order to calibrate ICI and its thresholds. The relationship between those results and the crash rate associated to each transition has been analyzed. It has been pointed out that the higher the ICI is, the higher the crash rate is, thus increasing the proba-bility of accidents to take place. Similar results were obtained from the study of the relationship between ICI and the weighted average crash rate of the corresponding group of transitions.A graphical and statistical analysis established that road consistency may be considered good when ICI is lower than 10 km/h; poor when ICI is higher than 20 km/h; and fair otherwise.A validation process has been carried out considering 20 road segments. The obtained ICI values were highly correlated to the number of crashes occurred at the analyzed transitions. Hence, the Inertial Consistency Index (ICI) and its consistency thresholds resulted in a new approach for consistency evaluation
[EN] Road crashes occurrence depends on several factors: human factor, infrastructure factor and vehicle factor. The infrastructure factor is one of the most important. The influence of this factor on road safety can be ...[+]
[EN] Road crashes occurrence depends on several factors: human factor, infrastructure factor and vehicle factor. The infrastructure factor is one of the most important. The influence of this factor on road safety can be analyzed by means of road design consistency. It refers to the conformance of highway geometry to drivers’ expectations.A new consistency model for evaluating the performance of tangent-to-curve transitions at two-lane rural roads is presented. It is based on the Inertial Consistency Index (ICI), defined for each transition. It is calculated at the beginning point of the curve, as the difference bet-ween the average operating speed of the previous 1 km road segment (inertial operating speed) and the opera-ting speed at this point.88 road segments, which included 1,686 tangent-to-curve transitions, were studied in order to calibrate ICI and its thresholds. The relationship between those results and the crash rate associated to each transition has been analyzed. It has been pointed out that the higher the ICI is, the higher the crash rate is, thus increasing the proba-bility of accidents to take place. Similar results were obtained from the study of the relationship between ICI and the weighted average crash rate of the corresponding group of transitions.A graphical and statistical analysis established that road consistency may be considered good when ICI is lower than 10 km/h; poor when ICI is higher than 20 km/h; and fair otherwise.A validation process has been carried out considering 20 road segments. The obtained ICI values were highly correlated to the number of crashes occurred at the analyzed transitions. Hence, the Inertial Consistency Index (ICI) and its consistency thresholds resulted in a new approach for consistency evaluation.
[ES] Los accidentes de tráfico se producen por la concurrencia de diferentes factores (factor humano, infraestructura y vehículo), siendo la infraestructura uno de los más importantes. La afección de dicho factor sobre la ...[+]
[ES] Los accidentes de tráfico se producen por la concurrencia de diferentes factores (factor humano, infraestructura y vehículo), siendo la infraestructura uno de los más importantes. La afección de dicho factor sobre la siniestralidad puede estudiarse mediante el concepto de consistencia del diseño geométrico. Este concepto está relacionado con la concordancia entre la geometría de la carretera y las expectativas que los conductores tienen de ella.En el presente artículo se presenta un nuevo modelo de consistencia basado en el Índice de Consistencia Inercial (ICI) para la evaluación de las transiciones recta-curva en carreteras convencionales. Este nuevo índice consiste en el cálculo en el punto de inicio de la curva de la diferencia entre la velocidad de operación media del kilómetro anterior (velocidad de operación inercial) y la velocidad de operación en ese punto. Para la calibración de este nuevo índice y de sus umbrales, se han estudiado 88 tramos de carretera convencional, en los que se ha contabilizado 1.686 transiciones recta-curva. En el estudio, se ha analizado, para cada una de las transiciones, la relación entre el valor del ICI correspondiente y su tasa de peligrosidad. Los resultados muestran que al aumentar el ICI aumenta también la tasa de peligrosidad y, por tanto, la probabilidad de ocurrencia de accidentes. Adicionalmente, se ha estudiado la relación entre el ICI y la tasa de peligrosidad media pondera-da, obteniendo resultados muy similares. Con el fin de establecer los umbrales del nuevo índice de consistencia, se ha llevado a cabo un análisis tan-to gráfico como estadístico. De él se ha concluido que la consistencia de una carretera puede considerarse buena cuando el ICI es menor de 10 km/h, media cuando se encuentra entre 10 y 20 km/h y pobre cuando es superior a este valor. La validación del modelo planteado se ha llevado a cabo a partir del análisis de las transiciones recta-curva de 20 tramos de carretera convencional, dando como resultado una alta correlación entre el número de accidentes ocurridos en cada transición y los valores del ICI correspondientes. De esta forma, el Índice de Consistencia Inercial (ICI) y sus umbrales de consistencia han confirmado ser una nueva forma de evaluar la consistencia del diseño geométrico de carreteras convencionales.