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Reducing capacity, chlorogenic acid content and biological activity in a collection of scarlet (Solanum aethiopicum) and gboma (S. macrocarpon) eggplants

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Reducing capacity, chlorogenic acid content and biological activity in a collection of scarlet (Solanum aethiopicum) and gboma (S. macrocarpon) eggplants

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dc.contributor.author Plazas Ávila, María de la O es_ES
dc.contributor.author Prohens Tomás, Jaime es_ES
dc.contributor.author Cuñat, A.M. es_ES
dc.contributor.author Vilanova Navarro, Santiago es_ES
dc.contributor.author Gramazio, Pietro es_ES
dc.contributor.author Herraiz García, Francisco Javier es_ES
dc.contributor.author Andújar Pérez, Isabel es_ES
dc.date.accessioned 2016-04-28T08:56:52Z
dc.date.available 2016-04-28T08:56:52Z
dc.date.issued 2014-10
dc.identifier.issn 1422-0067
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10251/63092
dc.description.abstract Scarlet (Solanum aethiopicum) and gboma (S. macrocarpon) eggplants are important vegetables in Sub-Saharan Africa. Few studies have been made on these crops regarding the diversity of phenolic content and their biological activity. We have studied the reducing activity, the chlorogenic acid and other phenolic acid contents in a collection of 56 accessions of scarlet eggplant, including the four cultivated groups (Aculeatum, Gilo, Kumba, Shum) and the weedy intermediate S. aethiopicum-S. anguivi types, as well as in eight accessions of gboma eggplant, including the cultivated S. macrocarpon and its wild ancestor, S. dasyphyllum. A sample of the accessions evaluated in this collection has been tested for inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) using macrophage cell cultures. The results show that there is a great diversity in both crops for reducing activity, chlorogenic acid content and chlorogenic acid peak area (% of total phenolic acids). Heritability (H-2) for these traits was intermediate to high in both crops. In all samples, chlorogenic acid was the major phenolic acid and accounted for more than 50% of the chromatogram peak area. Considerable differences were found among and within groups for these traits, but the greatest values for total phenolics and chlorogenic acid content were found in S. dasyphyllum. In most groups, reducing activity was positively correlated (with values of up to 0.904 in the Aculeatum group) with chlorogenic acid content. Inhibition of NO was greatest in samples having a high chlorogenic acid content. The results show that both crops are a relevant source of chlorogenic acid and other phenolic acids. The high diversity found also indicates that there are good prospects for breeding new scarlet and gboma eggplant cultivars with improved content in phenolics and bioactive properties. es_ES
dc.description.sponsorship This research has been partially funded by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and FEDER (Grant AGL2012-34213) and by Conselleria d'Educacio i Esport de la Generalitat Valenciana (Grant ACOMP/2014/191). Pietro Gramazio is grateful to Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for a predoctoral fellowship. en_EN
dc.language Inglés es_ES
dc.publisher MDPI es_ES
dc.relation.ispartof International Journal of Molecular Sciences es_ES
dc.rights Reconocimiento (by) es_ES
dc.subject Solanum aethiopicum es_ES
dc.subject Solanum macrocarpon es_ES
dc.subject Phenolic acids es_ES
dc.subject Chlorogenic acid es_ES
dc.subject Cultivar groups es_ES
dc.subject Diversity es_ES
dc.subject Nitric oxide es_ES
dc.subject Bioactive properties es_ES
dc.subject Breeding es_ES
dc.subject.classification GENETICA es_ES
dc.title Reducing capacity, chlorogenic acid content and biological activity in a collection of scarlet (Solanum aethiopicum) and gboma (S. macrocarpon) eggplants es_ES
dc.type Artículo es_ES
dc.identifier.doi 10.3390/ijms151017221
dc.relation.projectID info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/GVA//ACOMP%2F2014%2F191/ es_ES
dc.rights.accessRights Abierto es_ES
dc.contributor.affiliation Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto Universitario de Conservación y Mejora de la Agrodiversidad Valenciana - Institut Universitari de Conservació i Millora de l'Agrodiversitat Valenciana es_ES
dc.contributor.affiliation Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Biotecnología - Departament de Biotecnologia es_ES
dc.description.bibliographicCitation Plazas Ávila, MDLO.; Prohens Tomás, J.; Cuñat, A.; Vilanova Navarro, S.; Gramazio, P.; Herraiz García, FJ.; Andújar Pérez, I. (2014). Reducing capacity, chlorogenic acid content and biological activity in a collection of scarlet (Solanum aethiopicum) and gboma (S. macrocarpon) eggplants. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 15(10):17221-17241. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms151017221 es_ES
dc.description.accrualMethod S es_ES
dc.relation.publisherversion http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijms151017221 es_ES
dc.description.upvformatpinicio 17221 es_ES
dc.description.upvformatpfin 17241 es_ES
dc.type.version info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion es_ES
dc.description.volume 15 es_ES
dc.description.issue 10 es_ES
dc.relation.senia 283334 es_ES
dc.identifier.pmid 25264739 en_EN
dc.identifier.pmcid PMC4227158 en_EN
dc.contributor.funder Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad es_ES
dc.contributor.funder Generalitat Valenciana es_ES
dc.contributor.funder Universitat Politècnica de València es_ES
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