[EN] The TFM Solitudes. Forms of introspection and independence investigates issues related to
the pictorial representation of intimacy and its reflection in the spaces and everyday objects with ...[+]
[EN] The TFM Solitudes. Forms of introspection and independence investigates issues related to
the pictorial representation of intimacy and its reflection in the spaces and everyday objects with
special emphasis on the use of light and contrasts according to th
e theoretical contributions of
authors such as Maurice Merleau
Ponty, Ernst Gombrich and Rudolf Arnheim. In the same proyect
we analyzed concepts of solitude, introspection, independence, intimacy and privacy, for which we
have established two views. On th
e one hand, we have relied on the theory of Gaston Bachelard in
order to develop an approach of space privacy represented by the house and everyday objects. On
the other, our interest has focused on the oneiric space through the language of dreams wirh the
contributions of Sigmund Freud, as w
ell approaches as symbols from
such as those developed by
Juan Eduardo Cirlot.
Also, the art project that accompanies this research aims to study the individual by
representing closed and intimate spaces in which the light has great symbolism. somber and
personal living quarters with a narrative sequence through different spaces, as
a whole form a
single story with nuances and details that, in turn, offer the viewer the possibility of extrapolating
their own experiences
[ES] El TFM Soledades. Formas de introspección e independencia investiga a cerca del análisis de los símbolos oníricos, la intimidad del ser y su reflejo en los propios objetos cotidianos dotándolos de mayor énfasis a ...[+]
[ES] El TFM Soledades. Formas de introspección e independencia investiga a cerca del análisis de los símbolos oníricos, la intimidad del ser y su reflejo en los propios objetos cotidianos dotándolos de mayor énfasis a partir de la luz y sus contrastes.
La práctica artística que acompaña esta investigación pretende la observación del ser a través de espacios cerrados e íntimos en el que la luz adquiere un gran simbolismo; habitáculos sombríos con mucha personalidad en los que podremos observar una secuencia narrativa a través de los diferentes cuadros, pues el conjunto tienen la pretensión de formar una única historia personal pero con matices y detalles que pueda extrapolar el espectador a sus propias vivencias.